...first time ever it wasn't because one (or both) of us had been drinkin' (heh...smh).
Based on most of my previous posts, not hard to figure out what it was about.
I get so freaking frustrated with him though...where I see it as an open conversation stress-reliever - he's seeing it as a stressful and contentious exchange.
But so...i guess for the sake of the relationship, I'm gonna try to avoid the discussion altogether.
Pick my battles, lay off the "dark" stuff and all that shit.
I've decided not to resent him for it since I'm well aware I'm the one who's changed direction (and lord knows he doesn't adjust to change quickly)
Plus I've found other outlets - don't need him to always be my sounding board, there are other things to talk about - but seriously....I can totally see how people divorce over this. Just sayin'.
umm what else - finished Kathleen Grissom's - The Kitchen House, my boss told me about -
i think it could've been edited a little more overall,
still...it flowed pretty well. oy... deep/dark...heavy - so many terrible stories...and even from people you sometimes felt you shouldn't've wanted to feel sorry for.
what a horrible horrible time in history.
and so Charley Crockett kinda mood -
and this song he said he wrote about his sister who died while his sister's son was in the audience....*feels*