things no one tells you about getting older #1687 - having a cup of milk and a banana two days in a row for breakfast makes you gain four pounds in two days. Holy moly...i'm not kidding. This is bonkers....
Moving on - I posted last week on two of the dem pages I'm in,
Noting the seeming lack of uniformity/direction from the Dem party and questioning what the Dem leadership are actually doing while the "grassroots" move. -
couldn't help myself!
I knew I was going in with the high chance I was about nettle some people with my forthrightness but I'm getting frustrated and apparently (based on feedback) I wasn't alone.
Surprisingly only a couple were notably irked. After dm'ing a few of the people who posted responses, I got really great feedback actually!
One of which is to tie in to the precinct chair - as they're a direct connection to the Dem party.
I looked into my precinct chair - unsurprisingly I don't have one - mine's one of the farthest away from the county court. It's a 40 minute drive and you have to attend meetings. Still it's important to note.
The other dem page that I posted to - i got a dm this morning saying that the admins weren't going to approve it because it didn't meet their guidelines and they were concerned about the controversy.
I get it, I's just I really think that these things need to be addressed/discussed - this might be one of the many reasons we (they) got here in the first place...right?...or maybe not...what do I know.
We went to the horse races on RR game over the weekend for La's birthday. She sent me an email Friday talking about crazy Left-wing media bias and guns don't kill people and checking on spoons cause they apparently make you fat as a comparison....I wrote back saying "can you describe the spoon thing? Cause all I thought after reading it was “if a person wants to eat themselves to death with a spoon then that’s a personal choice they made about their own life…”. How does that compare with a gun that can be used irresponsibly to kill someone?"
Also watched Amy Schumer's new movie - good message, just kinda missed the mark somewhere and only a couple laughs. Still a fan.
I didn't try reading anything new this time - wasn't actually home a lot. Just re-reading scenes from favorite books. Trehan Daciano, Kulti. Can't go wrong there.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
my social butterfly limit was reached over the weekend.
Dinner with friends Friday and Saturday.
Book club Saturday/met one of my favorite authors - and she was as lovely as I'd hope she'd be. I asked if she intentionally went in writing a book to torture her people like how she does...and she basically said "yes and you're welcome".... heh
"Good Luck with That" was pretty heavy (no pun intended)...if there was one thing that got on my nerves it's that each of them pointed out too many times that the" biggest one was the biggest one". And after a while just wish she'd move on from each mentioning weight/body image...
but I guess that was the point...that it takes over lives as they let it - it took a couple days for me to read. I'm sure she's gonna get major backlash...but I think she knows it. She definitely went there.
Then Dem gal group Sunday for fundraising committee - I think I irritated one when I said a luncheon sounded boring to me. I probably should've not been so blunt....i can't help myself sometimes. Seriously though....same old boring status quo...this is the problem...can we have a Latin or Bluegrass night or something fun to really interest a lot of people (not just a certain kind)? on that thought
Dinner with friends Friday and Saturday.
Book club Saturday/met one of my favorite authors - and she was as lovely as I'd hope she'd be. I asked if she intentionally went in writing a book to torture her people like how she does...and she basically said "yes and you're welcome".... heh
"Good Luck with That" was pretty heavy (no pun intended)...if there was one thing that got on my nerves it's that each of them pointed out too many times that the" biggest one was the biggest one". And after a while just wish she'd move on from each mentioning weight/body image...
but I guess that was the point...that it takes over lives as they let it - it took a couple days for me to read. I'm sure she's gonna get major backlash...but I think she knows it. She definitely went there.
Then Dem gal group Sunday for fundraising committee - I think I irritated one when I said a luncheon sounded boring to me. I probably should've not been so blunt....i can't help myself sometimes. Seriously though....same old boring status quo...this is the problem...can we have a Latin or Bluegrass night or something fun to really interest a lot of people (not just a certain kind)? on that thought
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
once upon a time, back in college days, a gal and her friend decided to take a road trip to Atlanta.
Pensacola (on the way) had a great beach AND a military base. *score for the gals!*
So naturally,the picture below is what we pictured in our mind - a line-up (just for us) on the way to the beach!
And well.... we did see very attractive men - it just turned out that the men were attracted to each other - we'd some how parked ourselves on the gay beach. Oh was fun!
Fast forward 15ish years - I hear that the National Guard is being rounded up (for no logical reason) to basically spend a whole lot of our tax $ to watch our border patrol agents do their jobs.
I mean several coastal towns are still struggling after Harvey right?
Or...umm how about Puerto Rico?
BUT! well...a gal can (once again) picture the below to make the situation seem just a little better - right? We're heading back down to El Paso in July...I don't know what a National Guard uniform looks like, but maybe they'll be lined up like this just for us!!

Had dinner friday with my dad and aunt - I'm worried for her, I'm not sure how any single person really makes it as a real estate agent.
Went to the book club last night to get the new Kristan Higgins book before meeting her on Saturday. The book is apparently about weight issues and it was a touchy subject for those that had already read it. One DNF even. wow. Still... fun group, I'll likely go again. Plus one of the gals used the word "buttress" in description and *lightbulb* who but reader people use good words any more?! I dig it.
Finished: Christi Caldwell - The Hellion - I liked the not typical gal but still it jumped from interest to love super quick...
Lisa Kleypas - Because you're mine - capital theater #2...i'd apparently bought this and forgot. I found it at 0% in my library. Sheltered girl runs away to escape arranged marriage.
Pensacola (on the way) had a great beach AND a military base. *score for the gals!*
So naturally,the picture below is what we pictured in our mind - a line-up (just for us) on the way to the beach!
And well.... we did see very attractive men - it just turned out that the men were attracted to each other - we'd some how parked ourselves on the gay beach. Oh was fun!
Fast forward 15ish years - I hear that the National Guard is being rounded up (for no logical reason) to basically spend a whole lot of our tax $ to watch our border patrol agents do their jobs.
I mean several coastal towns are still struggling after Harvey right?
Or...umm how about Puerto Rico?
BUT! well...a gal can (once again) picture the below to make the situation seem just a little better - right? We're heading back down to El Paso in July...I don't know what a National Guard uniform looks like, but maybe they'll be lined up like this just for us!!

Had dinner friday with my dad and aunt - I'm worried for her, I'm not sure how any single person really makes it as a real estate agent.
Went to the book club last night to get the new Kristan Higgins book before meeting her on Saturday. The book is apparently about weight issues and it was a touchy subject for those that had already read it. One DNF even. wow. Still... fun group, I'll likely go again. Plus one of the gals used the word "buttress" in description and *lightbulb* who but reader people use good words any more?! I dig it.
Finished: Christi Caldwell - The Hellion - I liked the not typical gal but still it jumped from interest to love super quick...
Lisa Kleypas - Because you're mine - capital theater #2...i'd apparently bought this and forgot. I found it at 0% in my library. Sheltered girl runs away to escape arranged marriage.
Monday, April 2, 2018
this "getting involved" stuff is ramping up. Plus planning for derby party. I also joined a fb travel group so i'm looking at that (and getting serious wanderlust).
And not gonna lie...had way too much to drink on Friday watching the Rebirth (fun as always)...we spent Saturday/Sunday recovering.. netflix.
I watched documentaries about Maya Angelou, The Art of Loving, 60's/70's, what women/people did to change things and Like Water for Chocolate
...about how things change but it comes back around it's almost exactly what's happening today but masked differently...
It caused me to take a dark turn to thinking...
The tables will turn .. and so what?'s cyclical and each turn causes insidiousness...and we go further down the rabbit hole ...
It Happened One Midnight: Pennyroyal Green Series - Julie Anne Long - re-read...i only remembered a small glimpse...but it reminded me why i read the whole fall in.
Taming Elijah (The Kincaids Book 1) Stacy Reid - the first of hers i've not cared for...but I think it's because it's a Western...I must've had bad past life experiences cause I can't hardly stand Westerns.
Endurance - Amy Daws - the next brother soccer player player. I liked her too though...
Keeper - Amy Daws - childhood friend to love good too.
Sex Symbol: A Standalone Romance (Hollywood Heat) Laurelin Paige - i thought it was pretty well written...i'll not remember them as a couple but as the story.
And this guy named Jesus Valles posted the below on facebook.
I don't know him but it reached my feed somehow and I'm hoping millions of people read it cause he's able to condense here some of my fleeting thoughts:
"Austin is an exhausting place where racism smiles at you and does yoga and is a kind teacher and is such a good actor and is just trying to help you and just wants to know why you're so upset and thinks we should wait to know more details and tells you the bomber was a nice, young man who was troubled and it's the smiling face of a white boy on a Statesman story about a murderer and it could never happen here and he was home schooled and just look at his mom's post from his graduation and it tells you maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions and speaks shitty Spanish at you in hopes to make you feel more comfortable and has an all white cast and fucks you at night but thinks you shouldn't be so angry all the time and needs you to understand the bomber was from a godly family and he was just so frustrated and dissatisfied with his life and ignores you in line at the pizza place and will tell you love is love is love in the same profile it asks for "No Asians, No Blacks" and it's not racist, just a preference and loves this cool coffee place where you get to hang with cats and once made that joke about hoodies and skittles but you didn't seem to find it funny and runs an independent bookstore and if you want racism to end, why do you always bring it up and is one of your students in that one class who is always making those comments and thinks you're being very divisive and if he didn't want to die then he shouldn't be resisting arrest and its parents came to this country legally so it doesn't see what the big deal is and it calls itself socially liberal but fiscally conservative and his improv show was so good and needs you to use punctuation because it can't possibly understand you otherwise and tells you to stop crying wolf and it asks you to stop making yourself uncomfortable, you're looking for reasons to be angry and loves playing Kendrick Lamar in the car and singing along to every word, every word and it calls the cops on the neighbors because they're so loud all the time and that's just how he is with all women, don't take it personally and the department is absolutely not discriminatory and can't be racist because they're Mexican and just wishes these people would stop blocking the street and gay pride is just not the right time to protest about Black Lives Matter and would love to have a conversation with you in private and just thinks we should be fighting the real enemy and if you would just give it a moment to explain itself and is so sorry that things got out of hand, it was just such a stressful day and it just loves all the new business coming into the city and it thinks that H&M thing was just way blown out of proportion and it wants to audition for RuPaul's Drag Race and you are so surprisingly eloquent and i don't mean to sound racist and how can we have dialogue if you're just going to be so angry and her husband is Puerto Rican and his best friend in college was Black and would just like you to read the book before you get so angry and it can't understand why people get so upset and just wants to clarify that it's not officially sponsoring the event, just making a little money off of it and says it has a constitutional right to free speech and it calls itself an ally when its being watched and it waits to get drunk to say racist shit and then tells you it's just a joke and no actors of color showed up so we just did the best we could and it calls you ugly at the bar and thinks you shouldn't speak Spanish because they can't understand what you are saying and asks you to overlook genocide and it has a DACA Facebook filter but doesn't want to go to "that part of town" and voted Democrat and feels if you got nothing to hide there's no need to be scared of cops and puts its fingers in your hair because y'all are cool like that and it is asking you to smile all the time and it shops at Whole Foods and it loves trap and if you don't like it here, then why don't you just leave and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and I am so exhausted and I just want to know when we get a break, I guess.
for a long time now my refrain has been "we only got us," and i am unwavering in my refrain and still, goddamn if this city doesn't make you feel so alone sometimes. my brain is tired and my body is sick and i just want some water to sit by."
And not gonna lie...had way too much to drink on Friday watching the Rebirth (fun as always)...we spent Saturday/Sunday recovering.. netflix.
I watched documentaries about Maya Angelou, The Art of Loving, 60's/70's, what women/people did to change things and Like Water for Chocolate
...about how things change but it comes back around it's almost exactly what's happening today but masked differently...
It caused me to take a dark turn to thinking...
The tables will turn .. and so what?'s cyclical and each turn causes insidiousness...and we go further down the rabbit hole ...
It Happened One Midnight: Pennyroyal Green Series - Julie Anne Long - re-read...i only remembered a small glimpse...but it reminded me why i read the whole fall in.
Taming Elijah (The Kincaids Book 1) Stacy Reid - the first of hers i've not cared for...but I think it's because it's a Western...I must've had bad past life experiences cause I can't hardly stand Westerns.
Endurance - Amy Daws - the next brother soccer player player. I liked her too though...
Keeper - Amy Daws - childhood friend to love good too.
Sex Symbol: A Standalone Romance (Hollywood Heat) Laurelin Paige - i thought it was pretty well written...i'll not remember them as a couple but as the story.
And this guy named Jesus Valles posted the below on facebook.
I don't know him but it reached my feed somehow and I'm hoping millions of people read it cause he's able to condense here some of my fleeting thoughts:
"Austin is an exhausting place where racism smiles at you and does yoga and is a kind teacher and is such a good actor and is just trying to help you and just wants to know why you're so upset and thinks we should wait to know more details and tells you the bomber was a nice, young man who was troubled and it's the smiling face of a white boy on a Statesman story about a murderer and it could never happen here and he was home schooled and just look at his mom's post from his graduation and it tells you maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions and speaks shitty Spanish at you in hopes to make you feel more comfortable and has an all white cast and fucks you at night but thinks you shouldn't be so angry all the time and needs you to understand the bomber was from a godly family and he was just so frustrated and dissatisfied with his life and ignores you in line at the pizza place and will tell you love is love is love in the same profile it asks for "No Asians, No Blacks" and it's not racist, just a preference and loves this cool coffee place where you get to hang with cats and once made that joke about hoodies and skittles but you didn't seem to find it funny and runs an independent bookstore and if you want racism to end, why do you always bring it up and is one of your students in that one class who is always making those comments and thinks you're being very divisive and if he didn't want to die then he shouldn't be resisting arrest and its parents came to this country legally so it doesn't see what the big deal is and it calls itself socially liberal but fiscally conservative and his improv show was so good and needs you to use punctuation because it can't possibly understand you otherwise and tells you to stop crying wolf and it asks you to stop making yourself uncomfortable, you're looking for reasons to be angry and loves playing Kendrick Lamar in the car and singing along to every word, every word and it calls the cops on the neighbors because they're so loud all the time and that's just how he is with all women, don't take it personally and the department is absolutely not discriminatory and can't be racist because they're Mexican and just wishes these people would stop blocking the street and gay pride is just not the right time to protest about Black Lives Matter and would love to have a conversation with you in private and just thinks we should be fighting the real enemy and if you would just give it a moment to explain itself and is so sorry that things got out of hand, it was just such a stressful day and it just loves all the new business coming into the city and it thinks that H&M thing was just way blown out of proportion and it wants to audition for RuPaul's Drag Race and you are so surprisingly eloquent and i don't mean to sound racist and how can we have dialogue if you're just going to be so angry and her husband is Puerto Rican and his best friend in college was Black and would just like you to read the book before you get so angry and it can't understand why people get so upset and just wants to clarify that it's not officially sponsoring the event, just making a little money off of it and says it has a constitutional right to free speech and it calls itself an ally when its being watched and it waits to get drunk to say racist shit and then tells you it's just a joke and no actors of color showed up so we just did the best we could and it calls you ugly at the bar and thinks you shouldn't speak Spanish because they can't understand what you are saying and asks you to overlook genocide and it has a DACA Facebook filter but doesn't want to go to "that part of town" and voted Democrat and feels if you got nothing to hide there's no need to be scared of cops and puts its fingers in your hair because y'all are cool like that and it is asking you to smile all the time and it shops at Whole Foods and it loves trap and if you don't like it here, then why don't you just leave and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and it is so exhausting and I am so exhausted and I just want to know when we get a break, I guess.
for a long time now my refrain has been "we only got us," and i am unwavering in my refrain and still, goddamn if this city doesn't make you feel so alone sometimes. my brain is tired and my body is sick and i just want some water to sit by."
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