Pensacola (on the way) had a great beach AND a military base. *score for the gals!*
So naturally,the picture below is what we pictured in our mind - a line-up (just for us) on the way to the beach!
And well.... we did see very attractive men - it just turned out that the men were attracted to each other - we'd some how parked ourselves on the gay beach. Oh was fun!
Fast forward 15ish years - I hear that the National Guard is being rounded up (for no logical reason) to basically spend a whole lot of our tax $ to watch our border patrol agents do their jobs.
I mean several coastal towns are still struggling after Harvey right?
Or...umm how about Puerto Rico?
BUT! well...a gal can (once again) picture the below to make the situation seem just a little better - right? We're heading back down to El Paso in July...I don't know what a National Guard uniform looks like, but maybe they'll be lined up like this just for us!!

Had dinner friday with my dad and aunt - I'm worried for her, I'm not sure how any single person really makes it as a real estate agent.
Went to the book club last night to get the new Kristan Higgins book before meeting her on Saturday. The book is apparently about weight issues and it was a touchy subject for those that had already read it. One DNF even. wow. Still... fun group, I'll likely go again. Plus one of the gals used the word "buttress" in description and *lightbulb* who but reader people use good words any more?! I dig it.
Finished: Christi Caldwell - The Hellion - I liked the not typical gal but still it jumped from interest to love super quick...
Lisa Kleypas - Because you're mine - capital theater #2...i'd apparently bought this and forgot. I found it at 0% in my library. Sheltered girl runs away to escape arranged marriage.