ack vent
overheard my co-workers talking "what about how white lives matter"...and it's like that comedian guy said ""Some of my favorite movies are by straight white dudes about straight white dudes," he said. "Now, straight white dudes can watch movies starring me and you relate to that. It's not that hard. I've done it my whole life."
and even though I'm close with my co-workers it's not something you can make someone to try to see things from a different perspective.
Which is why it's really important (if they can understand) to have a white person call out shit to their own bubble of white persons. Like Jamie telling his people (that look/act/think like him) about not saying the "N" word anymore goes sooo much further than me saying it to them, even though I'm not even Black.
That's another unique thing about being an Latino, ...we're in a unique position to straddle both's the spectrum of light skinned/eyed latinos to afro-latinos. It's not something to be ashamed of. There's no's just different. It's embracing...until it's feared/mocked/denied. ugh
the "relation" said that what Roseanne tweeted was "brilliant" over dinner.
I said, "It's "brilliant" to insult someone? What I think was brilliant is to use humor as her platform to try to show how people aren't so different/bring people together...."...alas it's like hitting a brick wall.
Puerto Rico...i knew it was being covered could see it if you even had the faintest interest. ....just not that bad. How does this happen? You can't just blame it on trump....there are many people in the position to see the truth of what's going on....
i'm so fed up, embarrassed, exhausted
I've been sticking my head in a Christi Caldwell marathon "heart of" book series, apparently i've just hopped around with her. So that's a fun find to connect them
Worried there might be something wrong with my retinad eye. Dr appt in an hour.
We leave for Alaska tomorrow - the outlaw inlaws 50th. If nothing else thank you for the blessed blessed cooler/cleaner air.