Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Looked it up, today is my 24th day of self-quarantine. Since March 15th.

We cut our trip to Vermont short, Boston was getting hit pretty hard and even going was a little nerve-wrecking. Half our plane was empty, which hadn't happened since I can't remember.

We're sharing an office, my hours have been cut and 20% less pay, but I still have a job and that's good. I'm really not sure how long that can hold out.

Needless to say - I get that this is unprecedented, but it was not a total surprise. I was starting to prepare when I heard about it in January.
I loathe how my Republican representatives have handled basically everything. The "hands off to keep making money" approach is not conducive to a pandemic. People are dying and the snarky shit comments from them are vile.

I didn't think I could be further resolved to get them out - now someone (not them) needs to get us organized.