Tuesday, June 27, 2017

suddenly you and (i saw) red queen

was watching the Roald Dahl "Faceoff" episode the other day,
Jamie walks in and says "who's Roald Dahl?"
I looked at him like this

*sigh* only the one who hooked me into the wonderful world of books Jamie....

we were invited and stopped over to some friends of friends house....very nice OU folk we've met a little through years. Parents of a special needs boy - he's old enough now where they can start to come out of their shell. A lot of Jamie's friends are getting to where they have kids old enough and can start to come out to play.
It's pretty interesting to witness how it's almost like they're kind of coming out of a cave -  unsteady on how to be still young, but not who they used to be.

Re-read - Larissa Ione's Passion Unleashed.

Finished Suddenly You - Lisa Kleypas - (I joined a FB group dedicated to old school romances from Jude D's page... and lord I can't keep up with all the reco's! It's so exciting but I can't hang. It's like the politically active info....can only take in small doses. heh.) So anyway...this one was one of my favorites (if not the favorite?) of hers. She's an author, he's not who she thinks he is, sparks, nothing immature... I liked them both a lot.

About to finish the second in Victoria Aveyard's YA Red Queen series (glass sword) - slow going but it's keeping me hanging on. It's just hard to transition from well paced/written/edited to a YA that has a lot of potential but a lot of unnecessary-ness (pretty sure that's not a word...oh well)

Bought the new Sarah MacLean - probably can't get to it till Friday. we'll see.

Every major Texas city (except Fort Worth) has joined the lawsuit against the state of Texas regarding SB4....I just  have to think....does this not even a little sway reps? How do they continue to ignore things?  (i dunno -  I've asked mine and the silence continues....)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

all over the place

so I've been at my job 10 years now.
10 years (!) of herding people and revenue and  account reviews and hurry-up-and-wait.
This year has already been the craziest - I'm not sure where cross-platform media is going but...oy
Needless to say - where before I would've been nagging Jamie for us to start planning next year vacations.
Now not so....

moving on, walked into B&N the other day and kids were running around ruining it. *sigh*
is no place sacred anymore.

speaking of - heard the new Sunny Sweeney  - Bottle by My Bed -  friends commenting on it and their struggles with fertility. I can't relate but kudos to the story/song that means something.
That new selena gomez "it's not me" song ...
i mean it's not bad...it's just after the first few lines wheres the story and how does she sing it live...is it all just pre-recorded?...it has to be.

dammit - I just realized I missed the season premier of FaceOff! I've been marathon/fast-forward watching - loooove that show.

oh and jamie remembered about my blog, stalked me and saw my last venting post about him. oops. oh well.

Power Game - Christine Feehan - yeah much better than the last two. In this case the love story complimented the action. It played well. 
Darkest Promise - Gena Showalter - Misery's story.  Lazarus faded for me. Definitely will hold till "paperback" prices for the remaining. And I'm not sure where she's going with the quick 2nd option for William but ooo she has to be careful with that one.
Shadow's Seduction - Kresley Cole - got a little irritated after about the 4th denial from Caspian. started skimming after about the 15th. Not awful...just towards the bottom on my list for KC standards. Especially after totally fan-girling the Dacians so far....

I don't know what happened but when I went to buy 3 new books from "go-to" authors of mine in kindle, they were each around $14+!
Kindle! The paper back was $7.99. I might need to make a u-turn here....or just wait it out.....

Thursday, June 15, 2017


so i went to another "huddle" over the weekend.
A lot fewer people than before -  but can't say I blame them...
Almost talked myself out of it too, just to sit on the couch a little longer with the husband to do a whole lot of nothing....
We planted sod this weekend - and um yeah... seriously - anyone who says that's fun is lying or crazy. We were beyond exhausted. 
Even more of an appreciation for those that work that field.
but back to the huddle
(sore and slightly sunburned)
Glad I went.  Just for the stress relief alone.
Organization is happening. The year is half done though....not sure it's happening quickly enough? Or if it'll change anything?

So much is going on - not  a whole lot of good -  steadily these last 4 months really...
"this country is fraying around the edges" has got to be true....
We continue on.

And I continue to stick my head in a book -
...and it continues to help.
Dating You Hating You - Christina Lauren - yeah just eh. Not even close to the Hating Game chemistry.
Dear Aaron - Mariana Zapata's surprise one - the surprise was fun. The book...it's just, 80% of it was back and forth over email/text dialogue. Don't think that worked for me. The immaturity at times was a little "eh" for me - but maybe that's just me being a stick in the mud.  The lead had good points but nothing that made me love her like the Kulti girl, i wish she went a little more depth on the guy...

we Slaid Cleaves - my MiniSheldonita has been in this mood lately for me:

Thursday, June 8, 2017

forewarned and advised

not sure if it's a personal thing or just a normal "getting older" thing
but lord,
wives should be forewarned and advised how to handle roller-coaster husband's in their mid-40's....just saying.

Lessons learned though, sometimes it's just better to let it lie for a bit and then bring it up (for example) when you're in the drive-thru line at Dairy Queen, that maybe there are some issues.
But don't let it lie too long though!...cause then it's "huh? what are you talking about?" *lost-cause territory.* 
oy these delicate steps we must take in marriage. I guess I kinda just thought that it gets easier the longer you're together, and in a way it does, but getting older doesn't mean you don't change in some ways...so it's a constant adjustment too .... -  i'll leave it at that.

Saturday's impromptu date night was nice - the play was in a tiny venue (200 ppl?) - a humorous take on stereotyping/racism/borders/entitlement that they actually pulled off pretty well.
Again, it's nice to do stuff out of the "same old things" rut.

every major city in Texas is joining the lawsuit against SB4 that the governor signed into law.
I'm happy....well I'd be happy...
I just wish so much of our money wasn't being wasted on special sessions and lawsuits, Russia etc.
This is ridiculous.

Was on a Sarah MacLean re-read roll.
Finished Emma Chase novella - Sidebarred - entertaining quick one
Bought the new Christina Lauren - 25ish% in.....able to put it down, not bad though just not fully in it yet.

And so we reckless kelly - i still do

Saturday, June 3, 2017

do people know what they're singing about?

Turnpike Troubadours 1968 just pulled up in play rotation while we do our chores around the house....
got me thinking - when we saw them in Birmingham, with all those guys in their confederate flag gear singing along with this song at the top of their lungs...

Are those guys aware that the song is partly talking with nostalgia about Martin Luther King?
...Or am I misunderstanding the lyrics to this song?
 And maybe their confederate flag pride is about their Southern American pride than pride in oppression of people?

I'd really love to hear the point of view from the band....
I can't even find an address to send a letter to ask (like the olden days).
And yes I'm well aware this thought is a bit teeny bopper-ish for a gal my age 
(is the word "teeny-bopper" even used anymore?...lord I'm aging myself)

And not that I'm thinking they have time to answer -
but still for my own peace of mind.... it'd be really nice to know.

We're heading to a local comedy play tonight in Addison - for something new to do... why not.