A lot fewer people than before - but can't say I blame them...
Almost talked myself out of it too, just to sit on the couch a little longer with the husband to do a whole lot of nothing....
We planted sod this weekend - and um yeah... seriously - anyone who says that's fun is lying or crazy. We were beyond exhausted.
Even more of an appreciation for those that work that field.
but back to the huddle
(sore and slightly sunburned)
Glad I went. Just for the stress relief alone.
Organization is happening. The year is half done though....not sure it's happening quickly enough? Or if it'll change anything?
So much is going on - not a whole lot of good - steadily these last 4 months really...
"this country is fraying around the edges" has got to be true....
We continue on.
And I continue to stick my head in a book -
...and it continues to help.
Dating You Hating You - Christina Lauren - yeah just eh. Not even close to the Hating Game chemistry.
Dear Aaron - Mariana Zapata's surprise one - the surprise was fun. The book...it's just, 80% of it was back and forth over email/text dialogue. Don't think that worked for me. The immaturity at times was a little "eh" for me - but maybe that's just me being a stick in the mud. The lead had good points but nothing that made me love her like the Kulti girl, i wish she went a little more depth on the guy...
we Slaid Cleaves - my MiniSheldonita has been in this mood lately for me: