Wednesday, July 5, 2017

then nappy time.

I had 5 days off -  it feels like I've been gone a year...
and since it's slow...

- fireworks and thunderstorms made my dog (and therefore me) a basketcase  last night....i swear I heard a firework at 5am this morning.....grrr

We went over to Wylie to check out some bluegrass music - didn't stay long - much better in Farmer's Branch in October. 

had the M's over for BBQ and Ranger game - a full belly, a couple of beers and the guys passed out - I woke them up in time to catch the last inning. *smh*
whereas before it might've been a drink and drown all day and pass out at 4am.
Now it's a play golf, eat lunch, have a few beers and then nappy time.

Volunteered to help register people to vote in Addison  - it was miserably hot - still I think they got a few people in? Better than nothing! There's not really any organized just go up to people and ask if they've registered.
I don't think a lot of people know that when they move counties (and don't update their DL/voter registration) they can't vote in their new county.
I should probably get deputized so I could've helped more....
I stood and chatted with the Planned Parenthood folk for a bit - nice, I asked if anyone had ever been mean to them and they said "sometimes, but you choose your cause and stand with it".
I'm still looking to see what I want to volunteer for - I want to help but it's like joining a sorority - i don't want to be "locked in", I just kinda want to help when I can.....I really wish these people/overlapping groups would just band together and submit one newsletter together - so when a person can tear away for an hour or two they can reference it easily and go. 

- I saw Wonder Woman - yep as good as everyone is saying it is. I never got into her growing up - I always thought She-Ra was cooler. 
- Day of the Dutchess - Sarah MacLean - so i'd kinda forgotten the back story but oy yeah good on her on tackling the subject and actually redeeming him. Not everything is cut and dry but woo yeah in this case for me it is. Still, good story...even though I kinda wanted a little more of their "back then" story.
- The Friend Zone - Kristen Callihan - hmm............. ack! i've already forgotten!...lemme go see (again this is why I needed to write things down...) - oh ok yes - this one was just ok. Not believable and the girl lead was just kinda "i'm the cool girl,  here whenever you want" kinda thing that was a turnoff. 
- Playing it Cool - Amy Andrews - rugby (yes!) and the unconventional "curvy" girl with an unconventional how they meet, get together story. Not bad. 
- Confessions of a Dangerous Lord - Elisa Braden -  she thinks he only wants to be her friend, he almost loses her in trying to keep her safe, an evil villain - I put this one down a couple times. I think I'm more and more veering from the conventional "evil villain" drama plot line
- re-read Desire Unchained - just 'cause - 

My mini-gal played this for me today - good one