Thursday, January 25, 2018

it's odd the relief for a one day March, where complete strangers are with you.

They went wrong with splitting up the days and not sanctioning all the events though...they need to work on that. *sosayiworthmytwocents*

Work continues to be so disorganized...seriously done with chaos. Maniacal laughter is a daily occurrence.
And saying this as a satellite...I can't imagine how people in the mega tower in NY are feeling. Layoffs and shuffles and nobody can keep up....i'm not sure how this can keep on.

Was only able to read one book but it was by the fave Kristan Higgins - Now that You Mention It - again for the gentler touch to the complicated, she delivers. The sister relationship got me.

Hockey game tomorrow, candidate forum and chili cook-off (maybe) Saturday....