obviously lagging on this thing.
went out to a bar with friends Friday and tried to stay up to watch men's gold curling. didn't last. Still..nice win.
helped prep for wendy davis gala up at Southfork....if I've learned anything is that most every "organized" group is basically just flying by the seat of their pants. But hey at least they're trying...
Voted. and as she said "What will you fight for even if the odds are stacked up against you?"...especially in my county.
Tried Delicate Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan - no go - DNF - couldn't draw me in.
Finished Roomies by Christina Lauren - another friends little sister. Not my favorite of theirs.
Re-read Beautiful Player - I'd only remember "liking it" and the running part. Yep good read.
draft from last week:
lord I've come *this* close to going off on people on social media this week...
to go after traumatized kids with conspiracy theories to try to sidestep an obvious dilemma is nuts.
Last weekend - friends/socialize over German food dinner friday night. Friends/socialize and Chinese food for dinner Saturday night. Better conversations are always had over good food.
Read a lot this weekend -
Kresley Cole - Dark Calling - uh yeah this love triangle back and forth is tainting the story.
#4 in Lauren Blakely's Big Rock series - the doctor and the bf kid sister. still fluffy.
#3 Badd series -Jasinda Wilder - basically all about the gals issues
and skimmed through Mark Manson's - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - repetitive, like the simplified approach
The List -Tawna Fenske - strangers quickly jump into it. He misleads her....eh.
Wicked Horse - Sawyer Bennet - weak story plot, , he's using her for revenge. i think really i'm just over the "erotica club" thing.