This whole Ashley Madison thing is surprising me...
I'd never even heard of the site....but the fact that so many people had registered?!!!
I'm guessing - at most - a quarter of them are women? - which even that is doubtful
I've never understood casual sex - it's not my thing
BUT if it's really ok for gals out there then I'm not one to judge. (Well I kinda am one to this case I'm not though.)
But... I mean seriously Amy Schumer says (in her ever so polished way) "I can catch a dick whenever I want". This doesn't only apply to her.
We all know, this applies to women in general.
There are plenty of men interested in sex-only relationships out there, you don't need to register to meet someone else's husband.
You certainly don't need to be married yourself...why bother...the wedding alone is freaking ridiculously expensive.
Then there's the marriage part - I mean I love Jamie, he's my best friend (and really, that means more than the love part sometimes.)
But he gets in these pissy roller coaster moods which escalate my pissy moods. Or there are situations where I can't just think about myself and what I want to do - I have to think about him and adjust to's not always fine. I really REALLY do know how easy it is to turn a relationship wrong.
The thing is... at its base, I want him to be happy and he wants me to be happy.
We talk.
More....we made vows. Call it old fashioned but that means something. And not only marriage vows. I've outright told him that he needed to swear to me that if he ever once thought about cheating that he'd talk to me before he burns that bridge.
And it would be burning a bridge...there's no going back from that for me.
Bottom line - It's very simple
Don't get married (or even be in a committed relationship) if you're not sure you want to be there AND you're not sure he/she wants to be there with you.
Why waste time?!!!
Why don't people get that?