Monday, April 25, 2016

magic strings world stuck

read the Magic Strings of Frankie Presto and loved it. Definitely now a favorite .
I'd imagine even more meaningful for the musically talented.
One of those, after finishing the book you're still stuck in the world hours/days later....

Finished Sarah MacLean's The Rogue Not Taken - I like how she opens the eyes of her characters.

Alissa Johnson - Tempting Fate - a pretty good childhood to adults with the cliche drama added in.

Finished KMM's FeverBorn too and I'm finding it difficult to imagine how she can keep going like this. Just stop with the Mac line and move on with the rest already... I certainly do like Barron though....

again a nod to Beyonce's smart marketing strategy. It's really quite remarkable if you think about it.
Can't speak to the new music yet - couldn't really hear any in the :20 video I saw - (really it led back to baseball for me) all I thought is she needs to learn how to hold/swing a bat properly.
In more ways that one...
(*insert deep thoughts* ha) No doubt a powerful woman, I just hope it's cathartic for her, cause all that rage/energy is just adding to the frenzy that this year has already kicked up.  and it's steadily getting so exhausting...

#victoryrising and that's all I'm gonna say about that
cause I saw Dallas Housewives County - or whatever it's called, (peripherally, i was reading) -  and I realize it's television, I hope it's not real cause Dallas needs something much more worthy to represent itself than that. 

and back to music (since this is apparently a music-ish post) can't say I was the biggest merle haggard and/or prince fan, I just have a few songs here and there.... still - even more after reading "the magic strings"- the music appreciation is certainly there.
How amazing to have that talent and affect the world that way...