Friday, March 31, 2017

I'm provoked! and I'm going out.

wrote again to my district rep yesterday:
"I chanced by the town hall announcement -  alas, I am unable to make tomorrow @ 11am. *workwoes*

As such, I helped advertise the announcement (on our behalf), to as many people I know in our district. I'm happy to help!

If you were to get out there tomorrow and say "I won't make decisions about women, without women", and mean it....I think it would sway people. It would sway me!.... just my two cents..."

It's kind of a game now - it's like having a pen pal! (who doesn't respond...but oh well
I think I'll continue to write every week. Nothing motivates me (and apparently a lot of other people) like being ignored. yay!

Finished - Alice Clayton's - Cream of the Crop - Loved the atypical lead. it had a  couple turns towards the end that felt rushed/didn't flow. Still I got a few chuckles. I was entertained. 

Full weekend - we're heading down to see Randy Rogers tonight with the M's. 
And it wasn't even my idea! I'd crossed out based on the $40 per ticket. $40 freaking dollars!....
oh times have changed 
('s been so long - maybe the ridiculous kids of last time will have mellowed and act like they've gone out before)

And yes I'm sounding like an old hag....ack.  (maybe I'm a little nostalgic, will never be that high the saying goes)

Crawfish boil with the W's tomorrow. Book club.etc
And so we Randy Rogers

Monday, March 27, 2017

enfermera, dummy!

Telemundo interviewed me from the line outside Cornyn's office last week -  totally embarrassing how quickly I'm forgetting my Spanish . Could not for the life of me remember how to say "nurse". heh *smh*

I didn't make the "cut" at news time - of which I am glad. 
Naturally everything was about the ACA. He asked me specifically how the repeal would affect me. 
I said I "wasn't sure, part of the reason why i was there was to get feedback from people actually experiencing it and knowledgeable about it".  

Don't guess that makes for good "news".

Seriously though - i'm not going to lie and say I have an definitive opinion when I'm not fully informed.  Outside of those college years when I aged out and I was "gonna live forever anyway so why need it?" -  I don't have a pre-existing condition and for the most part have had insurance through my or Jamie's job

The Parkland ER nurse I stood next to on one side felt it was a bad idea to repeal for several reasons. The librarian on my other side was worried about her grandparents losing coverage and/or her being charged outrageously for healthcare as a young woman with not a lot means. 

Looking further into it - the maternity and mental illness loss could really harm people.

on the other hand, I struggle with the thought of how we're paying for all of this. 
Here (my Canadian-ism) comes out...why not just do what they're doing - whatever it's called (Medicaid healthcare?)
I've asked all my remaining canuck pals - it works for them up there. 

or at the very least - if you ask me...put the money being garnered for that stupid wall into healthcare and help people.
Again though...admittedly I'm just not fully informed....

Oh and yes, some car passers by (all young men) shouted their own commentary "go Trump!" revving their engines and peeling out so we're covered in exhaust, and not so friendly like yelling "c you next tuesday.." at us.... *heh....smh oh well*

Moving on - 
out with Jamie Thursday and Friday we bar hopped/talked to people. Got annoyed with a gal we sat next to at a bar telling me I should get Jamie to buy me a smart phone. 
I don't "need" Jamie to get me a smart phone. 
I can get my own damn phone. I'm choosing to keep my phone.

M and J's Jewelry party Saturday - mostly partook of the sangria. Bought a $76 "statement" necklace. I mean seriously! I could buy 7 NEW books for that! gah....i better wear that shit. 
Watched Fences - totally get why she won an oscar....otherwise there was just so. much. talking....

Finished reading:
Ward's Blood Vow - the gal's got her world figured out - doesn't disappoint. 
Re-read Blood Kiss - just because
If you were Mine - Melanie Harlow - reminiscent mesh of Higgins books? that's a compliment. it's just ....this author has that "something" that always come out with her girls that bothers me. Maybe more prevalent after reading Ward's girls where they just call things out and not be such a stereotypical girl about it. heh. Quite frankly, I'dve never taken him back.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

wanders all around everywhere

again I'm distracted... it's constant now. 
The new normal. 
I think with this I'm gonna stop mentioning it.

Finished 1984 and ugh (I just wanted him to have that ONE thing at least....ugh!)
so I stuck with romance for the rest of the weekend:
The Duke and the lady in Red - Lorraine Heath - nothing amazing. not bad.
Pretend You're Mine - Lucy Score - contemporary and predictable. Still a little clingy if ya ask me.

The good news is I tried the new Deep Eddy Orange and I approve

The invites came in for our co-derby party. I bought a new fascinator... and a Jane Austen bag on Etsy.
Now that I think about it...
it's been almost two weeks since I bought the bag this normal?
Might just be my instant gratification american-ism flaring,... but it seems a little much.

10 years married this week. whodathunk.... Jamie's so funny. He blocked out most of the week with "special anniversary fun times" on our calendar.
I asked him what that meant, he asked me what I wanted to do, annnd we're doing what we usually do -  going to dinner.
He tries to be spontaneous/creative...
 and it just doesn't's so funny!

Overheard my co-worker calling her reps yesterday about EPA stuff. She was super upset about hunters in Alaska allowed to kill bears hibernating in their dens. oy.
I'm gonna stand outside Cornyn's office tomorrow at lunch with a sign that says "No decisions about women, without women" with other irate people- yep.
Is it gonna change the world - nope.
Still I'm doing it - well...yes I'll be holding a sign but probably mostly just talking to people and hearing their stories...

my MINI played JB&S so we JB&S today. Good song.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

to bolster: support or strengthen; prop up

over the week, talked to people. Heard lots of stories.
Dinners with friends.

Wrote my state representative, which included this:
"I stood outside of John Cornyn's office last week to stand next to nurses and teachers (and more) to hear their stories about things I know nothing about (in my advertising sales world).  

I heard a story of a mother who says her son cries and tells her he'll "quit school and follow her if she gets taken away". 

I read that it's assumed that "we" 
(I guess I'm considered "the opposition" now, I'm losing hope that all of us are just "Americans/Texans") 
will get tired and move on. 
The tired is true but I'm not seeing the "moving on" happening....there are too many personal stories. 

And from people who are actually living/witnessing it, not just having opinions about it...."

and so "we" continue
but first, I hermit'ed on Saturday -
chose to not go to the St. Paddy's day parade.

stayed home and read instead. And I don't feel bad about it! it was grand!

Light between Oceans by ML Stedman - not bad, predictable, glad that it wasn't so cookie-cutter in the way it ended.
Sick in the Head by Judd Apatow - i made it to Amy Schumer's interview and faded out. 
Hidden Figures - M Shetterly - fascinating! and unfortunately so relevant still today.  it was a little too technical in some parts but I actually found myself intrigued. Great line too when it says "Sometimes, she knew, the most important battles for dignity, pride, and progress were fought with the simplest of actions.” "

Monday, March 6, 2017

I think he misses the dog the most.

ack - I'm lagging on the book reading.
shit...I can't remember if I've read something between now and last time I wrote to remind myself?
hmmm...well right now I'm reading 1984 - chills. Seriously. 

moving on, let's see... Jamie and I are currently balancing ourselves out again-  we've been in a state of pissiness lately, admittedly a lot because of me. I can't help it.  Even though he agrees with me in a lot of things...he just doesn't want to talk about it anymore. So as I told him, I'll just try to lump this in as with my books, I'll find other outlets. He was very nice in telling me that he'd listen if I want to talk about it - but I'm making a concentrated effort to not vent politics to him, mostly just for peace of household.

On that "outlet" front though (this being one of them), I went to a DFW candidates meet/greet in Rockwall - it was outside and freaking cold but interesting. (Oy this getting politically active is time-consuming and exhausting.) If I'd heard 2 years ago that I'd spend most of my Sunday standing in the cold/rain listening to people not in my district campaign for themselves I would've laughed.

As such, might go to my district Democrat meet/greet tomorrow.
I can't just do nothing. I can't....
and don't at all understand people sticking their heads in the sand.

what else....we went to down to Dallas for dinner -  friends came over after. Sean broke up with his girlfriend, can't say it's surprising. She wanted to get married, he still has wild oats to sow.
He's got to be closing in on 40...but in this, I say good for him for letting her go. Nothing but resentment and bad endings happen when being forced to marry when you're not sure.
Everyone should know this.

I think he misses the dog the most. I don't blame him.

oh and loving this new Old 97s! --- so we Old 97s