"I chanced by the town hall announcement - alas, I am unable to make tomorrow @ 11am. *workwoes*
As such, I helped advertise the announcement (on our behalf), to as many people I know in our district. I'm happy to help!
If you were to get out there tomorrow and say "I won't make decisions about women, without women", and mean it....I think it would sway people. It would sway me!.... just my two cents..."
It's kind of a game now - it's like having a pen pal! (who doesn't respond...but oh well)
I think I'll continue to write every week. Nothing motivates me (and apparently a lot of other people) like being ignored. yay!
Finished - Alice Clayton's - Cream of the Crop - Loved the atypical lead. it had a couple turns towards the end that felt rushed/didn't flow. Still I got a few chuckles. I was entertained.
Full weekend - we're heading down to see Randy Rogers tonight with the M's.
And it wasn't even my idea! I'd crossed out based on the $40 per ticket. $40 freaking dollars!....
oh times have changed
(well...it's been so long - maybe the ridiculous kids of last time will have mellowed and act like they've gone out before)
And yes I'm sounding like an old hag....ack. (maybe I'm a little nostalgic, will never be that high again...as the saying goes)
Crawfish boil with the W's tomorrow. Book club.etc
And so we Randy Rogers