Wednesday, March 22, 2017

wanders all around everywhere

again I'm distracted... it's constant now. 
The new normal. 
I think with this I'm gonna stop mentioning it.

Finished 1984 and ugh (I just wanted him to have that ONE thing at least....ugh!)
so I stuck with romance for the rest of the weekend:
The Duke and the lady in Red - Lorraine Heath - nothing amazing. not bad.
Pretend You're Mine - Lucy Score - contemporary and predictable. Still a little clingy if ya ask me.

The good news is I tried the new Deep Eddy Orange and I approve

The invites came in for our co-derby party. I bought a new fascinator... and a Jane Austen bag on Etsy.
Now that I think about it...
it's been almost two weeks since I bought the bag this normal?
Might just be my instant gratification american-ism flaring,... but it seems a little much.

10 years married this week. whodathunk.... Jamie's so funny. He blocked out most of the week with "special anniversary fun times" on our calendar.
I asked him what that meant, he asked me what I wanted to do, annnd we're doing what we usually do -  going to dinner.
He tries to be spontaneous/creative...
 and it just doesn't's so funny!

Overheard my co-worker calling her reps yesterday about EPA stuff. She was super upset about hunters in Alaska allowed to kill bears hibernating in their dens. oy.
I'm gonna stand outside Cornyn's office tomorrow at lunch with a sign that says "No decisions about women, without women" with other irate people- yep.
Is it gonna change the world - nope.
Still I'm doing it - well...yes I'll be holding a sign but probably mostly just talking to people and hearing their stories...

my MINI played JB&S so we JB&S today. Good song.