Thursday, November 2, 2017

that Bell(e) can't be unrung

it's been a whirlwind!
jamie and i went bar hopping for halloween - we won the costumes if I should say so myself. Everyone either didn't dress up or they had lame costumes on. Granted we started at 4:30 and ended at 10 but whatever.

I made the newspaper opinion column, volunteered for B O'R's town hall next week, made reservations for Santa Fe next month, my car has stuff wrong with it, planning thanksgiving....and work has been beyond crazy. I really don't know how publishing title's are going to make's chaos.

Can't believe the astro's won a world series before us....Altuve ugh.
We're heading to Wurstfest tomorrow (well I'm going to San Antonio cause I havent' seen my dad in so long....i'm a terrible daughter *smh*) and then Wurstfest on Saturday....think i will wear my dirndl this year. Hottest year yet. Beer...gross.

Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan - She totally gets how to describe books and reading. Read a little scattered at first but pulled together and ended up really liking it.  Definitely makes someone want to go to Scotland.

More than halfway with EJames' new hmm...i'll wait to finish.
Still listening to the new Turnpike Troubadours album - so so good.