Thursday, December 14, 2017

ack been distracted this week!

reckless on Friday.... it'd been a long while, they still sounded good. I just don't love them like I used to. I guess it just happens? or maybe it was the crowd?
Jumped on the Hallmark channel bandwagon and watched (mostly fastforwarded through) a few cheesy movies. I think I've got the premise, a gal with a coffee cup and guy that's kinda dopey/spaced out(?), a cat or a dog, a shitton of twinkling music forever going on in the background annnd there's a romantic movie! bleh. There are sooo many good books out there...what happened to basic chemistry? why's it so difficult?

Might see Dirty River boys tomorrow? Not sure I'm in the mood to do that.

And since "I've chosen to focus on what I CAN do, where I CAN make a difference, who I CAN serve, how I CAN contribute..." Gonna check out the SD challenger in my district on Sunday. I reached out to him via email and his response was nice but full of typos....i'm choosing to overlook that part. 

Think I've finished Christmas shopping? Have to start mentally preparing for that next weekend...

Looking at Travel - think we're gonna narrow baseball roadtrip to Pitt,Cle and Detroit? It's just...those cities don't seem to have any personality?... I hope I'm wrong.  And checking cruises to Alaska for the in-laws next year -....oy (see gif above) I was hoping my "cruise" days were done. My kindle will be my savior.

Duchess Deal - Tessa Dare - The book group was raving about this one - I liked the witty, playful banter. Not bad but this author still doesn't grab a hold like others.
Naughty Boss - Whitney G. - i'm already forgetting this one...umm...ok lemme think. Oh yeah the assistant is treated awful because of the attraction, she missends an