Tuesday, May 31, 2016

conversations, Magicians & disturbing subject matters

I've fallen behind!
bullet points
  • small fun dinner gathering for my birthday - so fun to get new/old friends to sit and converse - they know each other in passing but this was better. They came over to the house after and we hung out more. Not an easy feat for the busy schedules
  • brunch, appliance shopping, house stuff
  • my aunts/uncles are gathering together on FB to do something about caring for my grandpa - i thought that was good - they're always so torn apart - egos/pride/selfishness -and life's too short. I suggested to my mom that since he's a WWII vet they should try to link in with the VA. The VA's a whole fiasco for my dad though so I told her fair warning....
  • bought a sanseveria (sp?) plant - ugly and yes snake looking but read it's good for air quality in the house?! we'll see
  • horse races - tried 3 horse $1 exacta box and didn't win a dime ugh - caught up with friends we hadn't seen in a while though. Of all of Jamie's friends wives I like her the most.  She's the only gal I know that watches SyFy channel and can talk The Magicians and GOT with me. She almost stopped watching both too. She likes the "campy" stuff of the syfy channel...it gets on my nerves. These shows though (and their disturbing subject matters) smh...Maybe though in portraying it, it can finally be stopped? Not easy to watch though....Regardless, glad I held on to the Magicians - right up my alley.
Otherwise I read:

Blurred Lines - Lauren Layne - friends to lovers - candy fluffy - fast read no real involvement but not bad.
One Good Earl - Sarah MacLean -  a re-read - odd smart girl/smart reformed play boy -  I forget how much I like her style/description
The Pact - for free cause sometimes its fun to try things - not bad they got on my nerves a little...so much time wasted. But still liked it enough to be in the middle of reading her "Smut" oy..the title - it said romantic comedy but I've only seen the comedy part it a couple times - so embarrassed for her in the opening chapter! - great descriptions on how writing comes to authors and better character development -  and the sexy times?  whew fans face!

surgery update - My eye can almost fully open. Still red-ish. Still waiting on my glasses. ugh

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

no go girlfriends and I can diy

Finished "Me After You" - it finally picked up. Pretty Good.

other news: we met with a home re-modeling company - Master bath alone would be minimum $40k...

Jamie says I do a piss poor job on diy projects  -
I like to tinker though - not everything has to look perfect (sometimes it looks better if it's not perfect!)
He wants it done "professionally"
well...apparently $40k is a magic number cause now he's talking how we can do some stuff ourselves. Heh.
Still  -  shower and bathtub and tile...we can't do ourselves...even at $20k...this is ridiculous.
Being an adult is lame sometimes.

moving on -
Think I've narrowed down our anniversary trip to BVI for next year!
Girls trip to Destin  in September is on. Three and maybe more.
I invited a few other old girl friends. Not holding my breath though, this is the 3rd girls trip I'd've told them about...and crickets...not even a "no thanks"... really now that I think about it,  they've not really made any reciprocal effort in contacting me at all and I'm pretty much to the point of thinking it's a waste of time to even bother anymore...
I'm fine with my 7ish? friends here and Jamie.
Really, I think I'd stop facebook altogether if it wasn't  a great way to picture/log our fun times -  also it's a good source of info on my authors/music  

My eye after retinal surgery:
he said all looks good, and that I can fly for our trip in a couple weeks (yay!). It's still red..but more like allergy-looking red...so people aren't totally weirding out anymore when they look at me.
I think ice is helping..(even though it was never mentioned that i should ice)
Worst is my vision...
It changed from -8 to  -11.25 now in that eye! crazy... and it's driving me crazy. Waiting on my temporary lens to come in (it apparently wasn't easy to find ) so I can finally see normal.
So I'm truckin along...

In a M&MC mood and maybe I'll get to see them this weekend to celebrate my bday!

Friday, May 20, 2016

eye looking horror movie gross (or engrossing?)

all kinds of fun stuff going on this weekend 
and not really sure if/how long I can hang for the fun times

...stupid eye.

It's ached more the last two days than even after the surgery last week. Worst part though is my vision is way off. 

Doctor didn't tell me that. Well he said that my vision would change but didn't really tell me much of anything besides that.
But he's like "you have any questions?" and at the time I'm like:
how the f would I know? I don't know what questions to ask! 

So word to the wise, yeah your eye looking horror movie gross is one thing. It's actually morbidly cool if I'm being honest.
But you think having one good eye and covering the other eye should be fine but it's not...you're depth perception is gone for who knows how long and your "good" eye will get tired quickly. It messes with you and it's freaking exhausting. Can't drive. Don't care that it looked cool anymore.
Week post op check up today. 

I had my Echo read some of JoJo Moyes "Me After You" to me through the week -  weird but bearable given that I had to give my eyes a rest. 
Not as good as the first book so far. "Woe is me" a lot in this one.  Maybe I'll try a free trial of Audible. (I'll take what I can get for entertainment.) 

I was able to finish Spider Game - I think I've said this of her before...she's got her sexy times great, it's just her characters and the story reach about 75% potential. There's something missing in how she brings it all together. 
I finished - can't say I didn't skip. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

this surgery virgin wishes she still was one...
This is day 4 of left eye scleral buckle recovery and I'm freaking going stir crazy.
I can't watch any more tv..
.i. just. can't...and since my eye can move with my writing these words I guess I'll write about my experience.

There's freaking nothing else to do. 

So Thursday my doctors office called to see if I could go in earlier than planned...I said sure...and still waited 4 hours till I got to go.
I seriously want to know who trumped me (for lack of a better word)...4 hours  wasted of my life I think I deserve to know!

And so a bunch of questions, (do i drink? yes! socially and more if I want to. Like i want to right now) removed my clothes, heart moniter, IV in.
I opted to have my nerve blocked as opposed to them shoving a tube down my throat and knock me out. So I was aware. Only a couple times I had to tell them I could feel something. Once was a painful one - like a vice around my eye...which essentially is what it was...my anesthesia guy hooked me up though.

My doctor had someone(s?) in the room with him "observing:.
"Point the light this way," he says "Yes, that's it...now see here...this is where the retinal tear is. I'm going to squeeze and see..:" *audience oohs* 
"The fluid is thicker which leads one to believe that the tear happened a while ago."
"Now see here, the fluid is thinner and this is where it broke through the laser" *audience hums in perusal*.
I was totally Emma Thompson in "Wit". I was my eyeball.

Then again I just wanted to get the F out of there and as long as it was done right I  didn't really care that they didn't see me as a person....
They talked about the movie "IT" and he doesn't like clowns now
(of course I had to chime in that the book was worse) *audience agrees*

"suture in?" "clip here." "not touching this. this would cause a cataract" "Nice one."

1.5 hours later - felt like I was in there maybe 30 minutes and I'm done.

Hadn't had anything to eat/drink all day. They say to stay away from spicy/greasy food so I don't get nauseous. Then give me a cup of water on the way out.
I tell Jamie I'm starving. Chinese food sounds good - (not the greasy kind).
While he's picking it up I find a brownie in my purse (starving!) take a bite and finish the cup of water.
Jamie gets back in the car...
on our way home and all of the sudden I feel like I'm gonna be sick.
I tell Jamie.
He asks if he needs to pull over. I can't answer (CAUSE I'M TRYING NOT TO THROW UP).. I pick up my empty cup of water and all within15 seconds proceed to throw back into my cup of (brownie mixed) water this time.
Jamie wasn't thrilled....I couldn't help it though!...and quite frankly I think I did pretty good in getting "most" of it back into the cup.....that's good right?!...

I have a prescription for hydrocodone...i actually haven't had that much pain (or needed it yet).
Stinging at some points and it's freakin uncomfortable (the pressure, the swelling)...especially the first couple of days. Taking tramadol(sp?) helps with sleeping at night. Lots of eye watering/gloop. 2 types of eye drops every 4 hours. Can't lift. Can't bend. My eye looks raw and I can still hardly open it. It literally feels like it's being squeezed with a belt.
I was super sleepy the first few days, even without pain medication. I get tired fast - it's kinda like my body just wants to sleep so it can recover? The bad part is I'm getting achy from being so inactive...
And my eye prescription has definitely changed....depth perception is gone so I've taken to just shielding my eye with a  tissue behind my glasses and look out the "good" eye.

After taking care of me for a couple of days I told Jamie to go out and have fun on Saturday. No need for both of us to be locked in right
Unfortunately he took that to mean have too much fun and get freaking shit faced. So he comes home slurring his words...which means I didn't really get great sleep.
ugh the man gets on my nerves. Seriously.
And I was a bitch to him. He deserved it.
So we were both pretty much recovering (for different reasons) all day yesterday.
And here I am today...sitting here.
still sitting here....

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Destin! & my favorite donut (better than talking about tomorrow's surgery)

a lot going on....follow up (with me thinking everythings fine) appointment today leads to me going into eye surgery tomorrow. He said water's gotten passed the laser and closer to the center of the eye which is bad news bears. Doing a buckle or some such.
Jamie's pissed - he thinks they shouldn't have done anything in the first place.
I couldn't let a retinal hole AND a second opinion saying I needed the laser go though!
And so that's the situation. I really hoped the laser would fix it...instead it sped the process...ugh....

moving on (cause what can i do)
Destin was really great - didn't think 12 of us could do it without someone going beyond getting on someones nerves.
But all went well. I think the 2.5 days was just enough.
Mom loved the Sail Away...I thought she would.
Again I say...want a family trip?...go to Destin...they know how to do it.
Donut Hole donuts in Destin....yum...if I'd never had Voodoo donuts they'd be my favorite.

Read Lauren Layne's - Blurred lines - i like the friends to more story. Friends has a better chance. I'll read more of hers.
Lisa Kleypas - Worth Any Price - love at his first sight...i forget how she carries the story well though. Good.
Tried Johanna Lindsey One Heart to Win - oy no go. I know I've liked something of hers in the past though...just can't remember what right now.

Gotta go...work and already not enough time with travel and this eye stuff.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

easy payback! It ended well. Work

acckkk crazy week.
saturday - the friends got into a marital argument  before meeting up with us to head to the baseball game.
Took a while to get them out of the pissiness.

Me with her and Jamie with him.
She's definitely put in her time with getting me out of my raging pissiness at Jamie through the years though....so easy payback! What are friends for right... it ended well.

Sunday - rebirth/crawfish fest was fun. I forget how pretty Dallas girls are...even better when you get music like Rebirth that brings all different kinds of people out.   i still won't eat crawfish though. TOO MUCH WORK

Research for caribbean trip continues -  call me a snob but I am turned off any island that has a cruise ship port. I'm over "tourist town" anywhere. Why the f would I want quesadillas when I'm in a French owned island?!! Where's the creole? Where's the French? Where's the authenticity?!!! ugh.

Started reading something ...shit..i don't remember what it's called  - it's not all that good but I need to write it down so i don't try reading it again...

We head to Florida for mother's day weekend trip - i'll catch up on my reading then.

back to work and if this song doesn't get me going I don't know what will....