this surgery virgin wishes she still was one...
This is day 4 of left eye scleral buckle recovery and I'm freaking going stir crazy.
I can't watch any more tv..
.i. just. can't...and since my eye can move with my writing these words I guess I'll write about my experience.
There's freaking nothing else to do.
So Thursday my doctors office called to see if I could go in earlier than planned...I said sure...and still waited 4 hours till I got to go.
I seriously want to know who trumped me (for lack of a better word)...4 hours wasted of my life I think I deserve to know!
And so a bunch of questions, (do i drink? yes! socially and more if I want to. Like i want to right now) removed my clothes, heart moniter, IV in.
I opted to have my nerve blocked as opposed to them shoving a tube down my throat and knock me out. So I was aware. Only a couple times I had to tell them I could feel something. Once was a painful one - like a vice around my eye...which essentially is what it anesthesia guy hooked me up though.
My doctor had someone(s?) in the room with him "observing:.
"Point the light this way," he says "Yes, that's see here...this is where the retinal tear is. I'm going to squeeze and see..:" *audience oohs*
"The fluid is thicker which leads one to believe that the tear happened a while ago."
"Now see here, the fluid is thinner and this is where it broke through the laser" *audience hums in perusal*.
I was totally Emma Thompson in "Wit". I was my eyeball.
Then again I just wanted to get the F out of there and as long as it was done right I didn't really care that they didn't see me as a person....
They talked about the movie "IT" and he doesn't like clowns now
(of course I had to chime in that the book was worse) *audience agrees*
"suture in?" "clip here." "not touching this. this would cause a cataract" "Nice one."
1.5 hours later - felt like I was in there maybe 30 minutes and I'm done.
Hadn't had anything to eat/drink all day. They say to stay away from spicy/greasy food so I don't get nauseous. Then give me a cup of water on the way out.
I tell Jamie I'm starving. Chinese food sounds good - (not the greasy kind).
While he's picking it up I find a brownie in my purse (starving!) take a bite and finish the cup of water.
Jamie gets back in the car...
on our way home and all of the sudden I feel like I'm gonna be sick.
I tell Jamie.
He asks if he needs to pull over. I can't answer (CAUSE I'M TRYING NOT TO THROW UP).. I pick up my empty cup of water and all within15 seconds proceed to throw back into my cup of (brownie mixed) water this time.
Jamie wasn't thrilled....I couldn't help it though!...and quite frankly I think I did pretty good in getting "most" of it back into the cup.....that's good right?!...
I have a prescription for hydrocodone...i actually haven't had that much pain (or needed it yet).
Stinging at some points and it's freakin uncomfortable (the pressure, the swelling)...especially the first couple of days. Taking tramadol(sp?) helps with sleeping at night. Lots of eye watering/gloop. 2 types of eye drops every 4 hours. Can't lift. Can't bend. My eye looks raw and I can still hardly open it. It literally feels like it's being squeezed with a belt.
I was super sleepy the first few days, even without pain medication. I get tired fast - it's kinda like my body just wants to sleep so it can recover? The bad part is I'm getting achy from being so inactive...
And my eye prescription has definitely changed....depth perception is gone so I've taken to just shielding my eye with a tissue behind my glasses and look out the "good" eye.
After taking care of me for a couple of days I told Jamie to go out and have fun on Saturday. No need for both of us to be locked in right
Unfortunately he took that to mean have too much fun and get freaking shit faced. So he comes home slurring his words...which means I didn't really get great sleep.
ugh the man gets on my nerves. Seriously.
And I was a bitch to him. He deserved it.
So we were both pretty much recovering (for different reasons) all day yesterday.
And here I am today...sitting here.
still sitting here....