Thursday, October 5, 2017


i'm weary.
I'm not sure Jamie knows how close I am to taking a week off to just get away from here.
Like Montana and sit and look at trees.

sadly though....the first thing I thought that morning was:
"what does the shooter look like?"
cause if he's anything but white, that group - black, latino, muslim etc. is going to be horrendously targeted.

And so he's white guy and I go onto the "conservative" fb pages I follow to see their opinion -
and they're blaming the "antifa/hillary lovers left."

I'm sad and I'm pissed off that this keeps happening
And i say this as a person that has, most always, had a gun in the house.....
so I wrote to my U.S. rep to stop silencers, armor piercing bullets and automatic machinery to civilians.(not that I think it'll do anything but maybe collectively? if there are enough people writing in)

Went to see Turnpike Troubadours last weekend - it wasn't the same -
maybe cause I'm older,
maybe cause i'm weighted...
Jamie said there were a bunch of kids running around with shirts that had pro....
well doesn't matter....
I'm weary
this totally sucks.

Sweetbitter - Stephanie Danler - i tried to like this one. Especially for my love of food. I don't like the "flash" writing style though....just a quick glimpse of a story doesn't work for me.
The Hook Up  Kristen Callihan - believable instant chemistry...good one.
Sara Ney How to Date a Douchebag: The Learning Hours - he's self deprecating or dealing with bullies (including from his "other") for most of the book. Not a fan
The Player and the Pixie (Rugby Book 2)  - Penny Reid - didn't get the character depth well here. Both were shallow.