Friday, June 24, 2016

i don't like you! can we be friends?

Maybe adam hood tonight, not sure what else this weekend. I'm kinda feeling a do nothing but read and watch tv kinda week.

This heat is draining my energy.

I am reading Pride and Prejudice though (don't know why I've never fully read it?!) crushing on Mr. Darcy! Maybe I'll search out Keira Knightly's movie version and force Jamie to watch with me.... *sigh*

Speaking of the british....I'm not fully informed but I'm mostly picturing Britain saying "F you neighbors, I don't want to be part of your team, I don't want any more of you in my house and I don't need your shit,  I can make it on my own!"
but over the next two years they'll be sending an email that says

"Hey Germany, I still want to be friends though, how about some of your cars for ....?"

Then i just saw that google searches in the UK skyrocketed for "what is EU?" after polling had closed! Why wouldn't they go in to vote informed!!! It boggles the mind. ...

What I find amusing though is that Donald Trump is in Scotland and the people who he tried to bully out of their land are flying Mexican flags! HA! good on you Scots - don't take shit from anybody! ....everything I read about them makes me think I'll really love it when/if I ever go to visit. Too bad I got denied this year...$4k for a round trip flight though!!! no way jose!...or shall I say no way Jamie Fraser!!!! *ok..maybe some way for Jamie Fraser...heheeehee...*