Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Minneapolis trip recap (and why he doesn't want you *you're welcome*)

Minneapolis day trip!
I'd almost forgotten how nice people can be.
Seriously... I guess I've gotten so used to Dallas people (and ALL the new non-Dallas people who've moved here) so pissy, and/or hoity/selfish/obnoxious that I'm now surprised to find genuinely nice, non-stressed out people.
And they're talkers - whew are they talkers!! Needless to say Jamie fit right in.

short on time to make the ballgame, we uber'd - it's half the cost of a taxi!

our ballpark #15 (halfway through!) - Target field is a good one -  beautiful, clear, 72 degree day we lost our asses 17-5 against the worst team in baseball! ugh
and I got sunburned - Jamie didn't get sunburned. I (of my Mexican-ness) got sunburned...ugh...smh heh.
we also got on TV!  oh and their version of poutine at the Red Cow in the ballpark was pretty yum.

Cocktails before dinner - Jamie found a hidden "speak-easy" (walk down an alleyway to get there) kinda place called Volsteads's Emporium, that made wonderful drinks

Dinner was at Upton 43 - Nordic inspired (which I had no idea what that meant) - the seeds and beets and stuff I couldn't pronounce and no "strong" alcohol, threw me off but I actually ended up liking this place. The pork chop especially was so good.

Dessert - Tilia's - walking distance from dinner (and recommended by Ann, our bartender at Volsteads) - the Pot de Creme - a winner!

Avoid "Prohibition" high up in the hotel downtown - forget which one - drinks were expensive and terrible and really the view isn't all that great. Minneapolis is so flat.

and then we passed out cause we were exhausted - allergies got to us a little here - so weird!

Breakfast - Haute Dish - omg I loved this place. We WAY overindulged for brunch here and everything was delicious.  And i'm not even a breakfast-y kind of person. If it was that good I'm sure they're lunch/dinner stuff is amazing.

Overall loved (what little I was able to see) of Minneapolis - good food, good drinks, wonderful people -  I'd even like to see during their winter. Maybe even for a Stars/Wild game? - i bet that'd be fun!...they're still sore about losing their North Stars

Finished Cold-Hearted Rake and Marrying Winterbourne - both good!  I like how she doesn't make her girls needy, especially in that era when it was almost impossible not to be.
Threw in (polar opposite) Showalter's Strider story to mix it up, it'd been a while - I liked it better than I remember! I just love her harpy gals.

Maybe not so "polar opposite" though - there's a common thread to these genre's - I swear if more people read these books that show varying degrees of female strength (and how it plays into relationships) more girls wouldn't be so freaking insecure and needy. Especially in amorous relationships.

I'm seeing way too many "why doesn't he want me?", "I don't need a man!", "all i need is someone to stay. no matter how hard it is.", "what's wrong with me?"  kind of things on on my fb feed and everywhere else it seems.

It's driving me crazy!!
and since i can't tell them, I'm venting here. 

Stop being so freaking needy!!! NOBODY likes that shit. I think especially men that don't want to be tied to your annoying-ness for the rest of their lives....