Wednesday, October 26, 2016

having irate husband issues.

having irate husband issues. Always about this time of year with the lessening sunlight, he's pissy anyway.
That on everything else, led to us "having words" last night - all while booking our room in St. Martin to celebrate our 10 year anniversary next year - ha. 

he jokes asking if we're gonna make it to the milestone
still...seriously he makes me crazy sometimes

Mom and Ed coming into town this weekend - kinda surprised they took me up on it.
Starting to organize Thanksgiving and Christmas - oy I'm just not ready for this...nobody tells you the older you get and the more stressed out you are the faster time goes...seriously this is nuts...

Tried - Grace Burrowes' Tremaine - and couldn't get passed the a few chapters
Finished - Bella Andre - Sullivan's #4 - I'll likely read the others as fillers for in-between times.

I'm back re-reading on my trusted Kristan Higgins...I only have $93 left on my amazon account to last me through the year and it's frozen me on deciding which books to buy with it....first world problems I know...still this is a big deal for me.