Monday, October 10, 2016

funny and not so funny

It's interesting that a 10ish+ years married couple (middle-aged white man from Dallas and an almost middle aged El Paso, Texas/slightly Canada gal) still have so many differences in what they can relate to.

case in point -
watched the new HBO show "insecure" last night - I laughed. The whole open mic night skit --- ha!

Jamie was just "eh" on it - he watched it...just not a lot to relate to there I guess.

He did say though that "locker room" talk (as in Trump's case) is,"like that." when watching the debate.

Am i pissed that Jamie sometimes surrounds himself with men that talk about women like that? slightly ...but I can't do anything about how other people act or what they say.
I can do something about how I allow people to speak to/treat me,
more importantly.. how I allow my husband to speak to and treat me..

..the basic of allowing a man to talk to you or treat you a certain way? - that's on the woman.
Sexual & physical abuse/assault is a whole other story -   Long story short's never ok and I wouldn't be opposed to strong, swift, severe punishment....

(back to a less extreme deep thoughts) - I think its an innate human characteristic to see how far we can go with boundaries -  sometimes it can be as simple as boredom and  pushing buttons to get a reaction out of someone (in my case yes definitely.)

I think more so with men in general though - lets just say the story of me and Jamie - is in small part -  one of checking/correcting/drawing a line (basically me not letting him get away with inconsiderate and sometimes just plain ignorant shit he says and does.) They're fewer and far between now-a-days but a lot of "those" times he doesn't even know he's being offensive! And he's probably the most gentlemanly, thoughtful man I know....
Again now-a-days I'm not (as much of) a bitch about how I go about letting him know but yep I learned early on...we work better if I call him out almost immediately on things that he says or does that bother me.

Moving on - weekend dinner with the old neighbors, football watching at friends, state fair was good. Definitely glad I did not buy tickets online to redeem at the fair - the lines were insane. 

Finished reading #8 of SEPhillips Chicago Stars - again a winner - on my radar to read 1-6.
Tried Jay Crownover's - Built - wasn't terrible, just not my style I guess, skimmed.