Monday, November 24, 2014

A grand ol' time!

We uber'd it all over Dallas Friday night (first time to uber - I now see the appeal).

We went to Blind Butcher (Poutine with pork belly and a fried egg on top? yum!) Rambled over to the Truck Yard (fun Austin-ish laid back feel).

Then sang along to some of the best in country music Jason Boland and Chris Knight at the House of Blues. We had a grand ol' time!

But yep for the rest of the weekend I mostly cuddled in (to recover) and read. 

I finished the last of the Cousins O'Dwyer series - Blood Magick, it followed true Nora Roberts fashion for me - entertaining but nothing amazing.

I love how she does Ireland justice in her books though. Now that I've been (heck I think she might be a big reason why I wanted to go?) I see why she loves it. 

Aside from that, I caught on to Sarah MacLean again - I forgot how much I liked her style!

This time I read #1 and #2 of the Rules of Scoundrels series. I really liked the #2, there were a few things left unanswered that would usually bother me more but I'll tell ya what - I loved how wonderfully odd Pippa was and whew the sexy times between these two were just wow.

OH and we found Irish bacon! - a local Irishman told us we'd find some at Trinity Hall (ahh the big plus of being in a big city - if you ask/search enough you'll find most any type of food you want! -

overall ...a wonderful weekend!