Monday, November 10, 2014


This "Mate Poaching" article just makes me shake my head.
Who are you!

Here's the thing - signs are always there before cheating even has the chance - so if it happens I think it's kinda both your fault for letting it.

 "Discuss - never ignore!" I read that in a first and only self-help relationship book, drowning in my misery at a B&N one Saturday night after Jamie and I decided to "take a break".

I wish i could remember which book it was... I know it was written by psychologists.

From the start, I let Jamie know that he can't get anyone better than me ;0) but more,  if he decides to cheat then I'm out the door and not looking back. No talking. No drama. Done. Simple as that. (I don't say this lightly...I'm a child of 3 divorces on my mom's side and 4 divorces on my dad's side. (Two of those where from each other).) 

If I had any advice to give for people starting relationships it would be the above. A hard line must be drawn. Especially for the girl - (in my opinion) no matter how much you think you've got him locked in, men need clear spoken direction -  cause they're always going to push to see how far they can go.

Men on the other hand are a little more forgiving I think.
Overall though, I feel very strongly that you can't go back from that just can't.

Sidenote:  I re-read  The Summerhouse ( I'd say a favorite). Three friends have the choice to go back in time and may or may not choose to change their own story. It's good read!

Also finished the "True Love" book of J.Devereaux's - besides making want to visit Nantucket it didn't "get" me like others of hers have. Next...