Wednesday, November 26, 2014

giving thanks! (to book hangovers etc)

The Darkest Touch - Torin's story - yay! He's always been a favorite and GS didn't disappoint with his story.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE when that happens!

Next in line is Sarah MacLean's last of the Rules of Scoundrels series but for now I'm in a GS book hangover -

The fam's coming over tonight, then we're leaving for New Orleans in the morning.

(I'll have to be extra careful not to get a hangover of another kind).

Last time we went I way over indulged...oy.

But it was so worth it at the time!

I love that town. Arnaud's, horse races, Peche, French market... can't wait!!

I'm full of thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!!