Wednesday, March 30, 2016

futbol fakers and go back if you can't let go (me entiendes?)

went to the u.s. men's olympic qualifier soccer match vs. Colombia last night. And we lost. As well we should've...ball possession was non-existent. Alas, No U.S. men in the Olympics this year....

Here's the thing about soccer though....why do soccer players fake so much? And it's worse when playing country vs. country!
We didn't see it so much in Barcelona when they played Valladolid.
Just freaking play -  don't throw yourselves on the ground hoping for a penalty especially when the ball is still in play!! questioning their athletic ability but give me rugby or hockey or baseball or curling anyday.

And so I'm going Juanes music today. All those Colombianos last night (there may have been more of their fans than ours?) - and they won - a tribute. Plus I love Colombian food. 

Question though...I wonder how many of all those rooting for their team actually live here and are U.S citizens?
I mean it's easy for me -
if we play against Mexico or Canada I have strong connections to both - BUT I'm born here. USA all the way, every time.

And so this is where my thoughts on immigration come to play - I welcome people that legally come here to work (and I've known those that do and have and will -  with amazing work ethic no less)
I think it's courageous AND I can totally understand coming here to make a better life for yourself.
To me it's not a matter of them taking jobs - I think the majority of the jobs they take nobody here wants anyway...and the rest well...what's more American than competition...

But I also think if you come here to settle, you've got to come with the understanding that a) you need to learn English, if you don't already know it and b) learn to embrace your chosen country as your own.

Keep your language and your culture yes (never lose that) but you've got to adjust to being here.
Don't be obnoxious, wear your foreign colors loud and proud at an olympic qualifying soccer game, then go to your "land of opportunity" house 10 minutes away and tuck your children safely in bed. To me es una falta de gracia 

Also don't only keep to "your own" cause "that's all you know".
Not making any effort to know and understand someone that doesn't look, act, and speak like you is really an insult to everybody else here and maybe then those people who can't let go, should go back to the place that they can't let go of.