Thursday, March 3, 2016

I'm trying not to be a miserable cow today.
I think it's a sign of maturity that I'm even trying (ask me 10 years ago and I probably was still in my uber-selfishness that most mid 20'rs go through.)

I did tell Jamie he was "taxing all my reserves" though heh.

Married life lesson #4 (90% accuracy - trial and error)
You find yourself getting irritated,
say perhaps because you feel your husband is planning things without consulting you first
or perhaps you feel he's steamrolling over your subtle hints that you don't want to do something?

Don't let it build up.
It will turn irrational. Nobody (especially the husband) wants that.
Instead relay the information in a short concise manner, as soon as possible, to said husband - whom you hope will (and usually does) assimilate and adjust (or proceed with caution) accordingly....

and to Austin for a wedding weekend we go....

Definitely a turnpike troubadour day
Your intentions good and well
Pave a little on the road to hell
Flew a little high and fell, you were smilin all the while