Monday, March 21, 2016

in the beginning, bb, belieber and in 50 years we'll all be chicks

ack I've fallen behind - this time of year is always a little crazy i think?

Quick(ish) recap -
Wore my sassy "book" skirt and "Urban Decay'd" for date night down in Deep Ellum. Tried Filament  (good feel but food was eh) and walked over to armoury d.e for an after drink  (good drink and good feel bar).

DE has changed even more since last time ....(again) I'm glad it's coming back...I just hope it keeps its grungy-ness of old. I hate how things are turning so cookie cutter.
On the subject of cookie cutter - what's wrong with Boaty McBoatface for a ships name? i love it and i just snort-laughed when i read about it.  Maybe if we had a little humor to serious subject matters more people would be interested? 

I did not see the (should've been last) last Divergent film this weekend - i will eventually i guess? - maybe... (ugh).... I still haven't even seen the last hunger games movie and I had more interest in that one. This article makes good points

Tried to test out the "Rover" app to take care of BB this weekend and the gal just cancelled, then the second guy said he couldn't  - even though his calendar says he's available?....ugh...kinda shady no? And I thought it was such a great solution....oh well....Guess Jamie's parents got themselves a black brat dog this weekend cause I'm done experimenting for now and we're going back to NOLA. 

As far as books go (and before I forget to keep track)  - read The Kind Worth Killing - it was twisty but a bit predictable if you ask me. It did keep me reading.

AnnnNnnnd I came into a bunch of books! -  old and new! -
Most everyone I know can't understand my happiness at this...but it was a bit like this for me. 

so picking at random I also started reading A Short History of Nearly Everything - interesting but very nerdy about the "Big Bang" ...annnnnd I lost interest when he got to the supernova's.
Not saying I'm not gonna's just gonna be a slow goer for me. It's super cool and he's good at putting it in layman's terms - had no idea Pluto was that small. Even more cool to see the images from the New Horizon mission he mentions that just posted  a couple of days ago.

Also picked up reading In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks - and while it started out funny (and I think pretty spot on when he's talking about modern men) by the 3rd chapter I was weary of the ranting. If I finish it it will be a long time from now cause I'll only go back in between books in short doses.

Lastly, I wasn't really a Belieber until I heard the Latin remix of this song.
SEE! life lesson - you don't need to pontificate, lie, and push and yell....just remix a little (and merge culture a little) to bring people over to your side.