people posted lovey-dovey/tender stuff like from "Fault in our Stars"... and Pride and Prejudice - which admittedly is great - “I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”"
but so I of course said:
Not to negate the importance of sentimentality ('cause it's absolutely important)
but additionally, for me (and mine), this line just does it for me
“She may be an evil bitch, but she is my evil bitch , and I'll have no other." Kresley Cole - Kiss of a Demon King.
It's just so point out that absolute love (in my opinion) is acknowledging the good and the bad about someone and still loving them for it. Plus it's freakin' funny...and that adds to it all too!
I wish that "beginning of in-love" feeling on everyone....what a great thing to have and remember.
Can't say the same about the bad/worst parts...oy ... just awful hollow yucky-ness.
Moving on - I've loaded up my kindle for this weekend - around packing up Christmas stuff and the W's shrimp boil.
It's supposed to maybe snow tonight!!! yay
Totally in a 80/90s Country music mood lately. Tracy Lawrence and George Strait and The Judds!
Did lovers really fall in love to stay
And stand beside each other come what may?
Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say and then forget?...