Saturday, January 21, 2017

*updated* women's march - Denton, TX - so glad I went

a lot more people then I expected. 2800ish? 
I took a short video in the 5 minutes of silence. 

In the silence a guy across the street yelled, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." someone in the crowd responded "Adam and Steve are doing just fine over here thank you." That was the biggest confrontation I saw. 

Most surprising - how many men there were, and some even led cheers.

I wasn't much of a chanter, not gonna hear me say anything about the president either...but I got home thinking I was going to upload my pictures and tell how nice and (mostly) uplifting it was to see all the angles  representing themselves and supporting others out there. 

Alas, I came to my facebook to see a "fb friend" gal post a long post on her facebook about how she didn't support the march , those who went are brainwashed, ignorant etc. and responses to her like "Amen, Tamara. Those manly women don't speak for me. I am embarrassed that they call themselves women!"

Here ended my good feels.... 

I barely know the gal but I refrained from unfriending her. It's interesting to see how people really think. Hers wasn't the only page either...
poor Jamie, I glanced on his FB page and he has it a lot worse. He said he finds himself thinking that because I went, they're all saying those awful things to me directly and it's pissing him off and he wants to defend me.

And so (along the same lines) I was blown away by the turnout all over the world. I waited for my representatives to acknowledge this event. Nothing big, just a "i see you" would've sufficed.

Radio silence.....

well all except my state senator, he said "Bit of rain in Plano tonight"
I waited a day thinking "surely he'll say something".

I even asked for his thoughts last night.
still waiting....not holding my breath but still...nothing? really?

In the meantime finished
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh - a play on 1,001 Nights (if I understand correctly?since I've not read that story), this one, not really a believable love story but not a badly told one. Gonna stop here though. Maybe wait for the library for #2?)
#7 of Wynette series - SEP - the runaway bride meets the bad/good guy. I was entertained. She had a line in there about fireworks being sad. YESSS! I feel the same way! I JUST NEVER KNEW WHY!!. LOVE LOVE LOVE how it/they get me!.

#whyimarch #whyimarchdenton #auniteddenton