Thanks again New Orleans - I'm in recovery mode - *shaking my head*
We've added to the ever growing list of wonderful places in NOLA - Fair Grounds racecourse, Booty's street food, Apolline, Kingfish and Domilise's.
This post I made on Friday about sums it up.
It just has such character!
Kresley Cole has a good way of capturing the New Orleans feel in a few of her IAD series.
Of course Anne Rice did also.
Aside from that - finished the last book of Rules of Scoundrels.
A historical romance that read well, I was sad to finish it.
In my opinion, reading women of that era can often get annoying with their simpering and gossiping but Sarah MacLean has a great way of portraying that time with interesting leads.
In other words, I don't get bored!
I'll keep tabs on Sarah MacLean to see what she's doing next.