Wednesday, July 29, 2015

prepping for Hawaii

Surprisingly I liked this Grace Burrowes first of the series - it's fun when that happens.
And so I've stocked myself up on a few more of hers for this Hawaii trip.

I've got 7 books in queue...hopefully that'll be enough in the hours I'm forced to be on the cruise ship.

ay yai yai...i'm (still) dreading this. This is not traveling to me.

Annnd I must try to stop complaining. First world problems right.
For Jamie's parents, I need to have a better attitude. This is their trip.
And maybe the 4 hours I have to see each island will give a good glimpse for if we ever go back?...

I must mentally prepare. I really hope I'm proven wrong.

'I have been to Hawaii!'

Monday, July 27, 2015

my throw back (and clothes) Dallas staycation

We did a "staycation" over the weekend.
Drove downtown and stayed at the Belmont (definitely a fun retro Dallas feel),
had pool time (I lasted 20 minutes in this ridiculous heat but a great view of DT Dallas from their pool),
uber'd to a wonderful dinner at FT33 (yes uber is the way - be responsible! And it's nice being driven and have someone new to talk to...especially when you're a little tipsy)
and then uber'd to a burlesque show at the Kessler Theater (another great old timey venue).

Not sure I'd go to another burlesque show? - pretty sure I've seen enough boobie tassel twirling to last me - but I was entertained for the most part. I liked the flirty/coquettish ones. I mean sexy and seductress is great but fun is better.

And honestly, after seeing "of age" women on stage.... I didn't realize how tired I was of seeing mostly naked under/barely formed teenaged girls pouting and posing everywhere online, tv etc. There's just a major lack of confidence and life experiences and just being a fully grown woman there.

Anyway, finished the second of the 5th Wave series - I've figured that I'm not a fan of multiple POV and when he started with Ringer, a girl I vaguely remembered from the first book, it pretty much set the pace for "engaged enough to finish but not fully committed". It was kind of all over the place. Back and forth. Betrayal and sacrifice.  Still...I finished. I'll read the next (last?).

Also read historical Grace Burrowes - The Captive - I finished it. Maybe I'll read more?

Monday, July 20, 2015

i heeded my married life lesson

Saw Trainwreck on Thursday and laughed so hard I cried. Totally crude/definitely over the top at times but honest. I love honest.

Then had dinner Friday night with Jamie's friend who brought his girlfriend of 6 months.
They showed up late and it pissed me off.
I was over people that think it's ok to waste someone's time a long time ago. 

But...married life lesson #436 - if one of jamie's friends sets Brenda off, Brenda must make an effort to try to stop going into "B" mode for said husband you made vows to. Most were there before you so they've earned some rights...

So I think I put on a good face...well mostly...
until I got over it. It's too exhausting for me to be pissed off for too long. 

And then they let known they're about to get engaged. After 6 months!!! WTF?

Not that I'm "Ms. Relationship expert" but it's pretty widely known that the first year-ish of a relationship is basically a show of the "best of".
After that, the realness starts coming out and then you'll really see how you can bear that person's craziness (everyone has it) the rest of your life.
....there's been zero time for that here.

And were already showing your crazy. And it's kinda surprising cause I thought most of us 30's girls have learned the art of hiding/handling the crazy better? 

PLUS I've got 12 years of earning the right for Jamie to bear my bitching at him.You've got no base here yet really (beside him being starry eyed right now).  Better watch yourself.

Whatever. I'll get off my high horse and stop judging now.

Otherwise (besides snacking all weekend) this was me the rest of the weekend:

I re-read some oldies but goodies or read (or partially read)  Tessa Bailey, Skye Jordan, Dee Palmer books. Of those three probably Skye Jordan's Reckless was the best? Nothing great.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

what i'd look like if i tried it

Saw Amy Schumer's skit on women and mechanical bull riding. Hilarious!!

I always wondered at my Red River dancehall days, very few times did I think it was sexy to see a girl(s) struggling up there. 

I think if I tried it, I'd tell the guy controlling it to not mess around. I wouldn't do it to look sexy, I'd be there to "own" that damn bull. 
But it's highly likely I'd just end up looking like this - HA!

(It's like she read my mind! she totally nailed what I've thought I'd look like)

The only fake bull I've been on was the photo booth one at Billy Bob's and that's just because it's so beyond cheesy it was fun.

Now men on real bulls... i've known a few and seen plenty and yup totally sexy.
Athleticism in any form is pretty damn sexy anyway. I'm also a bit of a sucker for a real cowboy regardless.

I'm definitely going to try to see Trainwreck - way over the top sometimes but I love how unapologetic she is.

Read Monica Murphy's Stealing Rose - just eh.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

saint's heart in a sinner's skin

I picked up two complete opposite books
One was Brawn - Paranormal, genetic enhancements, erotica-ish,
the other was what turned out to be a Christian novel called One Last Thing 

and they both got on my nerves (and the skimming commenced....)

in the first  - The leads had instant attraction yeah but just because they were thrown together doesn't mean I'm character involved. Sexy times? woo but I mostly didn't care, so who cares.

And not my first foray into reading a Christian novel and definitely not at the top of my list...this lead is mad because she finds out her fiance is not who she thought and it causes her to question herself and "fix" things.

*eye roll* not everything is about you, you, you.
People know exactly what they're doing, there's a reason why they do things.
Praying for someone is about also trying to just listen to them without trying to "fix" them.

get over yourself.

I got the best of intentions, but the worst follow through
Sometimes when the night falls, it can cover up the truth
And there’s no excuse, except for everyone I make
It goes on and on and on and on

Sunday, July 12, 2015

left right purple hearts

I bought/read Christina Lauren's 'Beautiful Secret'.
sexy times whew....but I think this is their best one yet as far as building character goes.

I was so involved with reading the story (at 1AM this morning) they were able to bring back how I felt when Jamie and I broke up. Ugh I don't wish that yawningachinghollowterribleness of a broken heart on anybody.

Definitely liked the Kresley Cole reference too.

...I just realized that we had not so typical dinner dates this weekend.

One with our neighbors who we've barely had the chance to talk with in the four years we've lived next to each other.
She texted asking if we wanted to have dinner randomly.
They're a couple years younger and have a new baby.
Total conservatives (she just proudly posted that she got her concealed gun license)  - she's of Columbian descent born in New York, mostly raised here. He's a super smart accountant, military brat with a dry sense of humor that's hilarious.  It was a fun time.

And then yesterday with our dear friends who are 35 years older than us, complete liberals and have the best stories we can talk hours with.

Annnd so red and blue make purple! - my favorite color! (insert eye roll here...I'm in a weird mood whatever) - So anyway overall.... (again) a great weekend!

And because I'm still in a Tina Fey phase from reading her book (and I'm starting to get a little hungry). This:
We've got to get something to eat soon....i'm about to start getting grumpy hungry....

Thursday, July 9, 2015

us non-bosses and the touque (sp?)

I'm almost done reading Tina Fey's 'BossyPants''s been so long since I've read an autobiography..or wait... I guess it's a memoir?  Regardless -  I had trouble.
I was reading it like it should be a story but she's just basically talking about whatever comes to her head. Once I wrapped my head around that it's as funny as expected.

She's a little "blonds" obsessed, but does offer good advice on how to be a boss. Not that I am a boss...but I've worked in business environs for 17(ish?) years now. I liked that she wrote that you should "hire good people and then get out of their way." True story.

I swore to myself when I was a receptionist that I would never forget what it was like to be treated as a "lowly" worker. People forget that the receptionist and the assistants of this world have direct access to the "important" people you're trying to get to,
and if anything, they know more about anything than their supervisors do. Never underestimate the non-boss. AND don't be mean...they put up with a lot of shit.

On a side note...Jamie and I just had a IM war about whether it's called a "beanie" or a "stocking cap".

So I took it to my "Canada Club of North Texas" fb group -
I'm not a poser! Living in Calgary 6 years qualifies me!.... yes it does!

Also... who knows more of what cold weather gear is called than Canadiens?

They busted out in fine form....30 something comments
....and apparently Jamie and I were both mostly wrong.

It's called a touque? (annnnnd now they're commenting about how it's spelled)....who knew a question about what a hat is called, would fire up those Canucks eh!!!?

Monday, July 6, 2015

a reprieve from trying too hard

Good weekend overall.
We had no interest in battling the fireworks crowds and saw Adam Hood instead (finally).
Unfortunately it was at the Rustic.
It's actually not a bad venue - picnic benches on gravel/grass, stage outside - it tries for country casual. You just get the feel that it's just trying a little too hard.

It's one of "those" places for people who never go out, or people from out of town, go to visit to get the "Dallas feel" - basically leaving mostly underwhelmed people milling about.

The girls struggling in their skyhighheels and very short summer dresses on the gravel/benches were a show in itself...
but oh well...all the above is not unusual for it being Dallas. Seeing the contrast, I think it makes me appreciate things with substance just a little bit more. So even though the crowd was a bust (IMO),  Adam Hood pulled through and put on a good show!

Also, had friends over for a fun game night. Besides that I was lazy and did one of my favorite things- Read:

Undivided - Last of this YA series. Left hanging on what happened to some people. Guess that's what happens when you introduce so many in the story. Still...a pretty good ending.
Earls Just Want to Have Fun - Riches to rags to riches historical. Not amazing. Not bad. WTF on the title? Has no bearing on the story whatsoever. Another thing...if she hadn't bathed in months how is he kissing her after a day? I wouldn't imagine dental hygiene is the greatest....i don't know why i'm thinking these things i just do... 
Secrets of a Scandalous Heiress - Running away from problems historical. Eh.
Rock Hard - As I've said, I love Nalini Singh's writing. Of anyone she's one of the most clear pictures in my head when I read her stuff...i'm just not digging her stray from paranormal/scifi. And the lead here was just so timid. I mean I get it, there's a reason why but it still just didn't match. This pair was a little forced.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

cause being a girl is awesome

I've had way too many deep thoughts lately. Today's my Friday and I want to talk about make-up!

Our bartender last night had an amazing patriotic theme goin yesterday...sort of like this:

I wish I had the patience to do that! I love this stuff...

I got my hair and make-up done at the Cosmopolitan while in LV last month - cause why not. I'd never done it before...not even for my wedding.

I think more people should do it. Not every day of it's just too damn hot here to wear a lot of make-up and it still look good.

But, once in a while...I think it's worth it. I looked seriously amazing. I'm not even going to be humble about it. 

That's a fun thing about being a girl - we can pull off being any degree of anything all at the same time.

I think that even more after reading this book on women undercover during the civil war. It didn't end so well for those girls in the book but I'm not going into that. This is a girl rah rah moment. 

It's quite awesome how multi-dimentional and influential girls can be, especially if they feel passionately about something.
No wonder boys are baffled by us! As well they should be... I say it's a good thing (if you're not psycho about it) ...being predictable all the time is boring.