Thursday, July 2, 2015

cause being a girl is awesome

I've had way too many deep thoughts lately. Today's my Friday and I want to talk about make-up!

Our bartender last night had an amazing patriotic theme goin yesterday...sort of like this:

I wish I had the patience to do that! I love this stuff...

I got my hair and make-up done at the Cosmopolitan while in LV last month - cause why not. I'd never done it before...not even for my wedding.

I think more people should do it. Not every day of it's just too damn hot here to wear a lot of make-up and it still look good.

But, once in a while...I think it's worth it. I looked seriously amazing. I'm not even going to be humble about it. 

That's a fun thing about being a girl - we can pull off being any degree of anything all at the same time.

I think that even more after reading this book on women undercover during the civil war. It didn't end so well for those girls in the book but I'm not going into that. This is a girl rah rah moment. 

It's quite awesome how multi-dimentional and influential girls can be, especially if they feel passionately about something.
No wonder boys are baffled by us! As well they should be... I say it's a good thing (if you're not psycho about it) ...being predictable all the time is boring.