I'm almost done reading Tina Fey's 'BossyPants'...it's been so long since I've read an autobiography..or wait... I guess it's a memoir? Regardless - I had trouble.
I was reading it like it should be a story but she's just basically talking about whatever comes to her head. Once I wrapped my head around that it's as funny as expected.
She's a little "blonds" obsessed, but does offer good advice on how to be a boss. Not that I am a boss...but I've worked in business environs for 17(ish?) years now. I liked that she wrote that you should "hire good people and then get out of their way." True story.
I swore to myself when I was a receptionist that I would never forget what it was like to be treated as a "lowly" worker. People forget that the receptionist and the assistants of this world have direct access to the "important" people you're trying to get to,
and if anything, they know more about anything than their supervisors do. Never underestimate the non-boss. AND don't be mean...they put up with a lot of shit.
On a side note...Jamie and I just had a IM war about whether it's called a "beanie" or a "stocking cap".
So I took it to my "Canada Club of North Texas" fb group -
I'm not a poser! Living in Calgary 6 years qualifies me!.... yes it does!
Also... who knows more of what cold weather gear is called than Canadiens?
They busted out in fine form....30 something comments
....and apparently Jamie and I were both mostly wrong.
It's called a touque? (annnnnd now they're commenting about how it's spelled)....who knew a question about what a hat is called, would fire up those Canucks eh!!!?