I bought/read Christina Lauren's 'Beautiful Secret'.
sexy times whew....but I think this is their best one yet as far as building character goes.
I was so involved with reading the story (at 1AM this morning) they were able to bring back how I felt when Jamie and I broke up. Ugh I don't wish that yawningachinghollowterribleness of a broken heart on anybody.
Definitely liked the Kresley Cole reference too.
...I just realized that we had not so typical dinner dates this weekend.
One with our neighbors who we've barely had the chance to talk with in the four years we've lived next to each other.
She texted asking if we wanted to have dinner randomly.
They're a couple years younger and have a new baby.
Total conservatives (she just proudly posted that she got her concealed gun license) - she's of Columbian descent born in New York, mostly raised here. He's a super smart accountant, military brat with a dry sense of humor that's hilarious. It was a fun time.
And then yesterday with our dear friends who are 35 years older than us, complete liberals and have the best stories we can talk hours with.
Annnd so red and blue make purple! - my favorite color! (insert eye roll here...I'm in a weird mood whatever) - So anyway overall.... (again) a great weekend!
And because I'm still in a Tina Fey phase from reading her book (and I'm starting to get a little hungry). This:
We've got to get something to eat soon....i'm about to start getting grumpy hungry....