Tuesday, September 22, 2015

holiday card sabatoge & morning traffic theatrics

50% off! so I just bought our Christmas cards on zazzle. No it's not too early..this is how i do. 
I didn't let Jamie see what i made though - I'm pretty sure he's not going to like what I did - he likes neat and conventional and pretty.
And I do too! but I like fun more and I'm sooo over boring/typical anything lately.
So I just made the card like how I wanted to and it made me happy!!!!
PLUS who am I if I don't get my husband riled up every once in a while (that makes me happy too)

annnd....I'm still thinking about what I saw sitting in traffic on my way in to work this morning.
I let a car into my lane and looked in the rearview mirror to see the lady in the car behind me throwing a huge temper tantrum in her car. Seriously, I thought her head was going to pop off. That or split open to show a demon coming out. 

I mean...I have no idea what's going on in her life right now...but even though I could tell she'd spent time on her hair and makeup - she just looked so haggard and... hateful. 
How awful to be that stressed out (especially at 8 in the morning) like that.

This was basically how my face looked just watching her for 5 minutes:

I finished reading Christina Lauren's Dark Wild Night - I liked it! I thought I'd like it more though? i like reading about nerd types - I just didn't get as character involved as the first two of the series.