Thursday, November 12, 2015

pissy pants and the rebirth brass band!

I've had it with whiny, "woe is me" people.
I don't feel sorry for you.
And really your dramatics and constant pissy attitudes gives me no inclination to care or like you at all.
shut up and fix your damned life.

ay.... ok that was a awful bitchy thing to say. just drives me bonkers how many people perpetuate their misery, then wonder why they're lonely.

Wanna know why you don't have friends? It takes being a friend to have a friend dummy! ugh.

oooo and so speaking of friends! 

7ish? of us are heading to see the Rebirth Brass Band this weekend!
Not sure they'll like them like we do...but they like New Orleans (who doesn't) 
AND it'll be a fun something to do.

We'll see how having dinner at Knife goes too...he seemed kind of a jerk on "Top Chef" but hopefully his food is good.

I'm in a book lull..i got a rock band book to read but i'm just not in the mood. Maybe i'll just re-read something I liked so I'm not disappointed (again)