Friday, November 20, 2015

this weary chick is heading to Austin!

Jamie and I are heading to Austin to catch the Weary Boys reunion!!!! They apparently don't go on til midnight tonight though.
oy...I guess they haven't gotten older like we have...I'm already sleepy. 

Annnnd - I got Dixie Chicks tickets!
I saw them for like two songs in El Paso a long loooong time ago -  there was a dust storm, they got pushed off the stage and the stage came crashing down after them. So I was robbed of the experience.

Did their long ago "incident" bother me? Yes.But what they said didn't bother me. (they have the right to their opinion) 
It was where they said it.

I see it like being on a team (I think anyone who's played sports can understand)
you just DON'T for ANY reason stand on a field (especially one that's not your own) and let them in on the fact that you don't stand behind your coach.
It makes the team look weak.
We just can't have that.
(You have a problem with our president? Pissed off about how things are going? Rant to your friends on FB.  Vote. Write a letter. Start a petition. Go to a rally. We'll handle it internally.)

But... least she stated her opinion succinctly with rational thought behind it.

I just pulled these 3 social media comments from one of my FB feeds:
"Obummer sucks" (Obummer...really?! This is your thoughtful feedback?) 
then someone replies "your an idiot" (you spelled you're wrong)
then someone else saying "I'll vote for Jeff Bush" (umm...oy. Auto-correct?)

and reading about more attacks...really, this is tragic.

Charlie Robison's Wedding Song is one of my favorites w/ Natalie Maines
Well, I am still here, you are still here
Whether I ever loved you's not perfectly clear
The weight's not an issue, you have gained more
And when I said I do well I slammed all the doors
To a future where I could see Paris in spring
And I wasn't prepared for the weight of this ring
But we will get by for the rest of our lives