Wednesday, November 18, 2015

mad (mad) mission. Sign me up!

we were woken up at 3:45 yesterday morning by tornado sirens.
none actually formed this time
and prolly not the safest thing but couldn't resist walking out to feel/see it.
I never can. 
It's so awesome how heavy the air gets and how angry the sky looks.

And so I've got lots of people posting about unfriending the people that piss them off.

Well...not me.
I've already culled my list.
The people left are family and/or people I find interesting.
I may universally disagree with some of them, but personally, I'd get bored if everyone agreed with me on everything. So they're my friend - *until they unfriend me* heh

I'm still trudging along the Breed book. We had dinner with a friend last night...haven't really had time to read...

lets just Patty Griffin today! 

We were drinking like the Irish 
But we were drinking scotch
Bartender turned on a movie
Everybody turned to watch
And every single eye was gleaming
As he reached the final scene
Well, at least mine did
Here's lookin' at you, kid

It's a mad mission

Under difficult conditions
not everybody makes it
To the loving cup
It's a mad mission
But I got the ambition
Mad, mad mission
sign me up

I think I've seen the look before,yes,

it's kind of non-commital
It says come hither, baby, but then he's hard wood to whittle
it says it don't mean a thing, but still, somebody does
He'd like you to join the club that likes to say
there's no such thing as love and

It's a mad mission

Under difficult conditions
not everybody makes it
To the loving cup
It's a mad mission
But I got the ambition
Mad, mad mission
sign me up

Sometimes you find yourself

flying low at night
Flying blind and looking for
Any sign of light
You're cold and scared, and all alone
You'd do anything just to make it home

It's a mad mission

Under difficult conditions
not everybody makes it
To the loving cup
It's a mad mission
But I got the ambition
Mad, mad mission

sign me up