Monday, December 19, 2016

twist and tweet and striking out

Christmas #3 of 2016 is in the books -  My aunt broke out the qvc twistboard looking thing - I thought she and Jamie's mom were going to kill themselves. heh oy

one more Christmas to go next weekend. *whew*

Last minute dinner get together with J&V Saturday - she told me she still finds it really hard to talk to some of her best friends after the election. She's in her 70's so some of those are friends of 30+ years....She asked one of her friends why she voted for Trump, the gal told her because she didn't really care and her husband wanted her to...

Unfortunately I can relate to that story with my own circle -

In that vein, I couldn't refrain from doing (my 8th tweet of all time) in response to my State representative Matt Shaheen. Thing is I actually agree with him on some things: strengthening justice system, transportation spending.
What bothers me is he posts a bucolic picture with a bible quote about being "kind and forgiving" and he then posts about disliking "lying hypocrite liberals".
I said "you are my representative. All the name calling is disturbing. Please try to be more inclusive on your platform". Not that I at all think my tweet did anything but seriously! Don't "represent" me that way. It pisses me off.

Anyway - totally struck out in trying out new authors this weekend -
Unleashing - Shelly Laurenston - started out pretty good, the Crow concept was kinda cool, like the Valkyries of the IAD but it's so much better done in IAD and interest faded.
Bossman- Vi Keeland - again, better done by Christina Lauren, the girl seemed pretty needy. 
Hope(less) - Melissa Haag - didn't grab my attention from the start
Serendipity - Janet Nissenson - again didn't grab my attention from the start
Size Matters - Alison Bliss - obvious/ridiculous/boring self image issues from the get go. Is there a story about the friend? 'cause she owned it and reminded me so much of my college roommate. Men just loved that gal.
Pucked - Helena Hunting - amusing start but the story quickly faded...

and even a couple authors that I've liked
Susan E Phillips - Heroes are My Weakness - her lame. couldn't get passed it. 
Penny Reid - Truth or Beard - I finished this one,  it wasn't the leads, although I liked him much more than I liked her, just the blackmail backstory was eh..

so I just ended up re-reading KC's Shadow's Claim - never gets old. Never lets me down. Thank you.