Wednesday, December 7, 2016

need some ice and an extension cord

crazy work week....i'm beat.

We had a good weekend -  I put christmas stuff up. Jamie conveniently made himself took me 5 hours....oy.
Half the time I was like "F this shit!" and the other half was like "ooo pretty sparkles!"
....i'm really not sure why? We gals are weird sometimes.

At least I put it up though...I came close to letting 2016 win. 

Jamie made yummy comfort food (chicken/dumplings AND chili) stews -  from his generations of hand me down recipes -  and we invited the m's and the w's.
Game night/football watching night. They pretty much wiped us out on the was pretty good stuff though.

my Dad texted saying he's getting married in 2 weeks (on a Monday) if we wanted to go...all I can do is shake my head.

Mom's coming in this weekend.

Ugly Love: Colleen Hoover - it's. just. so. heavy. I get it but I guess I just like things a little more levity to offset just a little more.
Brown Eyed Girl - Lisa Kleypas: eh. Love her historicals sooo much more.
Amy Andrews - rugby story - just have a hard time with "i ruined you for your own good when we were younger but never forgot you and now that we're older what a coincidence we're together again lets have sexy times".
Wild Embrace - Nalini Singh - I always wondered about Gem! I liked the other stories ok too.

Also I hung on to finish watching Westworld - eh...I mean I guess?
And before I forget - we watched 3 episodes of House of Cards - acting is fantastic but it's just so mean. Like vicious/selfish/narcissistic mean. Pretty sure we're done....already get to see that in real life news today don't need more....