Disappointed? Yes. Surprised? no…
And really I’m glad I took yesterday off for a couple hours of reflection (and patching of reserves).
I was gonna write this my “new girl wade into politics adventure” to the Texas Dems site, Democrat Party, Texas Latino and Texas Women’s orgs I’m a part of - but for now it looks like everyone is in my same boat - throwing ideas about, and raging etc. And it’s gonna go into a big black hole ….so I’m going back to what I know, just sit back and wait it out ...BUT still...why not throw it out here just so I can “all-in-one” vent.
Dear Texas Dems, gonna come right out and say it – would dearly love less of a shitstorm for 2020…
Since the presidential election I took notes on my “new girl here” journey. I sat on the sideline for months as an observer.
Nobody’s asked my opinion and I realize y’all’ve “been here for years” and “Dem suppression/apathy” and “no funding” etc…but I’d be remiss not to at least attempt to try to reach out to let y’all know where I feel where things went wrong from “the new girl perspective”.
I write this as a previous “fringe” girl who’s always voted the spectrum …until the last presidential election.
I “spun” for months, went to the march, found a huddle and got INVOLVED.
I’ve met AMAZING wonderful ORGANIZED people.
I still consider myself a fringe girl (as I will never forevermore just “follow blindly” - I want to know exactly who is speaking on my behalf and raise hell if they don’t do what they promise)
So yes even now, as a less “fringe” Dem – there were GLARING concerns.
Here are a few:
1) Precinct chairs - I didn’t even know what those were! These are VITAL, especially since most people have no interest in straying far from their homes. Turns out I don’t have one (which was a process in itself to even find) and after researching the role for myself I lost interest.
Why? I loathe the “mandatory” 40 minute drive to McKinney. Yep that was my dealbreaker.
Also I don’t feel I deserve the position - I didn’t like block walking and I’m not a phone person. Which was constantly pushed.
when I talked to somebody at the collin dem office about my “different” ideas to engage as a “de facto” contact… I was told “don’t try to re-create the wheel”, do the volunteer 101 training (which was beyond boring). I felt compelled to disengage for not being able to find my “spot”. I took the poll greeter/watcher training last week. Again – BEYOND boring…and well in their defense… Didn’t help that I was hungover (yay Max Stalling) but There has got to be a better way to include/guide anyone that’s interested in becoming involved! This is public relations 101! (yes this is my PR degree chiming in)
2) The assumptions: it’s super frustrating how it’s just assumed that everyone knows the elections process. I.E. - what the primary is and why it’s important. That you have to register and vote in your county. The new/maybe actives can’t get on board about something they know nothing about. So instead of asking questions they disengage. My advice (as a friend of the library volunteer) is: partner with the library system (become “friends of the library” volunteer), it already is an achor for each community. Start with a few and thread civic engagment/information in however community events they choose to lead. THIS IS A SLEEPING GIANT OF A NETWORK OPPORTUNITY.
3) It needs to be clearly outlined why donations are important. I want to know what my money is used for. And I want to know what happens to all of it. This ESPECIALLY for POC!!!
4) I want an opt out option for receiving emails/texts when I donate $ - I was inundated, bad user experience and this from someone firmly on their side!
5) Seniors – they are an underutilized beasts! Retirees have the time…I gave 200 of my postcards to one “self-professed disgusted Republican” I’d met and she finished them in TWO days!!! If one-on-one efforts are made so relationships are built and they asked to help as they can….they’d be an INSANE benefit!
6) Not a fan of the private groups that have admin’s monitoring every post – if it’s over 3k then maybe, otherwise it comes across elitest. Let people vent!
7) If a person volunteers they should know exactly where there candidate is at all times and there should be clear concise marching orders – I begged for calendars so I can “pop in” and help social media promote them. Tell me when to switch my frame on my profile. Tell me when/and what to post on Nextdoor! Tell us what to do!
8) Along those lines - Nextdoor – there’s got to be a guideline for a more unified approach here – so many good intention-ed people would post things that were NOT helpful…
9) Bi-lingual flyers that people can print out on their own. But make sure all pertinent information is on there dates etc - That HELPED!!!
- to save time I did my own “all-in-one”, and donated postage. Couldn’t find a contacts to give me addresses, had to have my HD candidate reach out to a nearby precinct chair for addresses.
- naturally I wanted to stick by my precinct but didn’t want to duplicate efforts if it’s already been targeted?
- to that end, my area doesn’t feel at all targeted - I was happy to lead the charge but who would I tell? How do you know all I’ve done?
- streamline ideas:
o addresses need to be easier accessed to volunteers (especially new ones that don’t have a clue who to reach out to).
o Unified targeting database so if/when people want to volunteer duplication isn’t wasted and overall visual of what’s happening.
More insightful things I've learned -
you have to keep hunt/pecking...don't expect a response, so when you get it, it's super nice.
For those that have "been here" hear them out, take the gold points and remember a lot of them are tired...
the duke buys a bride - sophie jordan - she was being sold at auction, and so it goes.
love and other words - christina lauren - they really tortured them this one.
dr. strange beard - penny reid - never thought about what it'd be like to remember everything. I have such a terrible memory...worse than average. I think it's definitely worse the former.
annnd others....and we continue.