pretty sad that i'm wearing a dress and boots today and everyone is wondering why i'm "dressed up".
we're re-financing the house "rate is ideal" and "financially smart and retirement savings" or somesuch whatever Jamie said. blahblahblah
(The glory of being married to a degree in finance...)
i decided to make an effort for signing a stack of papers. You're welcome world!
again... adult-ing ugh
Grimm's End read stilted to me.
I think I'm going to have to go back and re-read this one....really maybe I should go back and re-read the series AND the "other" story (tale?) addressed in this book..... Not wholly disappointed, I'm just floundering a little here. The whole forgivness of self thing..hmmm.
I've got jrward's the Shadow's up next...yet another dark one I'm sure.