I take exception
the whole fishface selfie girls at the Arizona D'backs game? ... At least they're at the freakin' game.
We were at Pluckers last night and "what is this?" - audio is on the Steelers game. Our TEXAS RANGERS have a run for the WORLD SERIES and in Plano TEXAS we have audio on the Pittsburgh/Baltimore football game.the whole fishface selfie girls at the Arizona D'backs game? ... At least they're at the freakin' game.
So gimme those selfie girls any day over half-assed Rangers fans...at least they're loyal to their home team. #dbacks #texasrangers #nevereverquit #pluckers #wfaa
out and about this weekend, It's gorgeous outside!
The Cedars, Arlington, The State Fair.
Reading Season of Storms - I forget how well she describes the feel of a place. And how well she meshes dual story lines in her books.
It was after reading her book (i forget which now) that got me locked into planning Scotland next year. Not sure I want to make it out Aberdeen way though...we'll see.
That's the thing about traveling...we have so many people marvel at how much we travel (which is laughable compared to every Australian we've ever encountered) but really half the battle is deciding on where and when, then it's just a matter of planning and having enough time to space out costs.
and now, reading this SKearsley book ...of course I want to visit Venice.
The crowds though...oy I've heard it's crazy crowded.