got a Rogue costume - gloves and red hair w/ white strip and everything - but I'm just kinda eh....
my favorite holiday and i'm not feelin' the halloween spirit.
Thinking I might hold off on wearing rogue til next year.
I'm so boring.
..i hate boring.
maybe it's just the weather.
Friends invited us to dinner and my book sounds more interesting to me right now.
Bout halfway through reading The Shadows - oy there's like 8 story lines - and the mains of this one are def not my favorite of hers.
It's not getting on my nerves just yet, but seriously though,
if ever there was an author to keep me just barely on the good side of the cusp to boredom it's J.R. Ward. She stretches a story like I've never seen before.
And so if it's not still raining we might head to the horse track to bet on the breeders cup tomorrow. Then maybe a birthday halloween party and maybe i'll be in a better mood..but as i yawn. i suck.