Thursday, October 1, 2015

my inner chola

saw the story about the no-shows being billed for not attending a wedding.

No, I wouldn't bill a no-show, that's pretty ghetto BUT!  I can kinda understand the logic.

ooo my inner chola wanted to come out for those few that decided not to show to my wedding.
Even more  for those that didn't bother to rsvp at all and then showed up!

I think all of those were my family members?
I guess they didn't realize that if they said yes we'd have to pay for them whether they showed or not? Or if they just came, it added costs that we weren't expecting.

Don't think they didn't hear about it down the Mexican mother/sister/aunt/cousin channel line though. Maybe it's a just cultural thing but it's a real thing! (and honestly more effective in some circumstances.)

Only Jamie really sees my chola come out every once in a while anymore. He sometimes unintentionally brings her out. Unintentially because he's a bit wary of her.
But see, B's married life lesson #13 - apparently it's innate for men to push to see how far they can go with their chosen. If he's pissed me off, my chola allows me address it immediately (rather than do the silent treatment thing that only makes him have no idea why I'm still mad the next day)
He may not like her very much - he's told me so -  but I think she's very important in maintaining balance in this relationship.

And so Rock Courtship was ok. I did like the leads - I just really like her psy/changlings better. I re-read Kiss of Snow the other day - so good.

Jamie helped me finish my sugar skull arts/crafts project. I have her out front now - I've named her Lupita Rosa Salvaje. It was fun.

I'm in a punk-ish sort of mood. Saw these guys up in Denton a long time ago. Raising this one up loud.