I'd never dealt with serious mental illness until the last year or so.
It's a constant roller coaster of emotions. Right now? - honestly all I want to do is hog tie her and haul her off to get help that she obviously needs.
Psychotic episodes are "heart attacks of the brain", waiting it out isn't going to work.Shrugging shoulders and saying "I don't know what to do." solves nothing.
There's a connection to the National Alliance (?) of Mental Illness... it might be a lifeline? we'll see...
"Perhaps readers would be surprised to learn that one in four American adults experiences mental illness in any given year. That's 61.5 million people, with about 13.6 million of them experiencing a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder. Take into account all the loved ones and friends impacted by someone with a serious mental illness, and you begin to have a real feel for just how many people are living with the effects of mental illness."