The shootings (...and perhaps it's because I was raised with guns in the house AND I'm from Texas where pretty much the majority of the people I know own guns)
I can't help but think that if some of those people had guns to protect themselves the crazy people shooting at them wouldn't have had free reign to terrorize to that extent.
Then another side of me thinks about what a dutchman said to me over dinner in Amsterdam a couple years ago.
He said "Can you tell me why Americans have guns? Why do you have to kill people to protect yourselves?" and it wasn't so much the question as an eye opener that a big part of the rest of the world can't fathom anyone ever resorting to that violence. It does make one wonder why.
Moving on...Christmas is already a problem. It drives me bonkers the odd "perfect family" expectations and guilt weirdness that happens for a mass marketed "holiday". Wasn't Jesus Christ purported to've been born in the Spring for cryin' out loud!?
Then my husband - he looked at me like he was baffled that I might take exception about him communicating with his ex-girlfriend.
Honestly... I think he's an intelligent, caring, thoughtful man.
He'd never run around on me - but for the life of me I can't understand how asinine he can be some times!? Or maybe not asinine...maybe... unthinking about how I might feel says it better.
It's not even him I worry about - I know women. I am a woman. They're a million times more devious than men.
This calls for Old 97's...cause I'm irate
Oh and I finished Sweet Ruin. She writes a good story (as most always). Never got bored. Loved the leads. 1 of the 2 authors I'll pay $15 for an ebook for. $15 though...!!! ugh... *smh*